I'm using Windows 10, the 1709 Fall Creator's update, with version 2018 of
JAWS.  The Windows 10 calculator was not speaking at all. The only way to
confirm what I'd typed was to turn the numlock off and read the current
line, or to tab and then shift tab back and JAWS would read the display.
Both doable, but annoying.  

I opened Quick Settings and arrowed through the list, just to see if there
might be something I could change.  There was.  Smile. I've never touched
this but somehow, the typing echo was set to none.  It's on character
everywhere else.  Now it's set to character in the calculator as well and
what I type is spoken.  Alas, JAWS still does not speak the result when I
press the enter key, so that I still have to tab and shift tab back to have
the amount read, or I have to turn the numlock off and read the current
line.  But the aggravation level has been considerably reduced.  Smile.

The second problem was brought up by someone on the list, Adrian I think.
If I alt-tab away from a page and then come back, JAWS will not always keep
my place on the page.  It would be lovely if it could remember
automatically, but if I remember to insert a temporary place marker,
control-windows key-k before I alt-tab away, all I have to do is press k
when I come back and JAWS will return to where I'd been reading.

I think the documentation says that the temporary place marker will stay
until the page changes, so I assume that if the page updates while I'm away
from it, the place marker will be lost.  Usually though, I'm only pasting
material into Word. In this case I have to remember to insert that place
marker before I leave.  The temporary place marker I set at the beginning of
the copy process does not work as a placeholder after the material has been






A mind is like a parachute.  It doesn't work if it isn't open.


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