I just thought, would tell the group, if anyone else has a  issue installing
the latest up-date, from VFO/Freedom Scientific site.

I went and obtained a fresh copy and removed Jaws, 2018, older version, from
the Control panel. Installed, this latest up-date, the complete Jaws 2018
package.   Which said was successful. Then I always do a repair in-case
something left out. In doing so, found at 71/72% it would say error and a
couple of things not found or  installed correctly.

So, called and talked to Tech Support VFO, Dane, in California, and he could
not install either. Even with a fresh copy.  So, his recommendation was to
completely uninstall all components of Jaws 2018. I kept settings. FS Reader
and Jaws and all the rest, bye-bye. Restart the computer, Install, then the
repair and bingo. I am back running. Those that have posted about what is
not working, might this be a issue. Being what I had?

Geno, Portland, ME. Where spring might arrive one day.

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