I purchased two usb sound devices a few years ago and I haven't had any trouble with these devices at all and I use one on my main desktop computer to have jaws come from the usb device and all other sounds from the built-in motherboard sound. paid only 10 dollars for these at fry's electronics.

Legend has it that on Friday 4/20/2018 03:57 PM, Lenny McHugh said:
I do not understand the inexpensive sound cards.  I now have to purchase
another card. I purchased 2 unnamed cards for $13 each from a local computer
store. Both lasted about 4 months with a 90 day warranty. I suspect that
they are not designed for computer speakers. I just ordered a $30 card from
Tiger Direct for $30. It has a 2 year warranty. Their shipping is very
reasonable about $3.00. I use this card exclusively for jaws. That way I can
turn the sound off until I need it for web pages.


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