Here's a list of Jaws hotkeys for MS Word.  I don't know if these are 
universal or not.  To check your own MS word hotkeys, hit insert-H.

Adjust JAWS Options JAWSKEY+v
Say the current field  Control+JAWSKey+NumPad5
Say the line and column of the caret  JAWSKey+Delete
Toggle the writing mode from Insert to Overtype  Alt+Control+I
Say the first cell in the current column  Alt+1
Say the first cell in the current row  Alt+7
Close the office assistant  Control+JAWSKey+F4
Say the version of MS Word being used  Control+JAWSKey+V
Move the focus to the first form field  Control+JAWSKey+Home
Select a field  JAWSKey+F5
Select a table  control+JAWSKey+t
List words marked as misspelled  Alt+Shift+L
List grammatical errors  Insert+Shift+g
List document revisions  JAWSKey+Shift+R
List bookmarks  ALT+JAWSKEY+B
List objects such as clipart  and textboxes Control+Shift+O
List reviewers' comments  Control+Shift+apostrophe
List document footnotes  JAWSKey+Shift+f
List document end notes  JAWSKey+Shift+e
List hyperlinks in the current document  JAWSKey+F7
List ms word short cut keys  JAWSKey+W
Describe the border around the active cell, table, paragraph or section 
Convert all drawing layer objects to text layer objects  Alt+Control+Shift+C
Say the column title for the current cell  JAWSKey+Alt+Shift+C
Say the row title for the current cell  JAWSKey+Alt+Shift+R
Say the current table column Windows+Period
Say the current table row Windows+NumPad5
Move to and say the prior table column Windows+LeftArrow
Move to and say the next table column Windows+RightArrow
Move to and say the prior table row Windows+UpArrow
Move to and say the next table row Windows+DownArrow
Announce the detected language  Alt+Control+Shift+A
Announce the comment referenced at the cursor location  Alt+Shift+Apostrophe
Announce the footnote or endnote referenced at the cursor location 
Announce the revision referenced at the cursor location  CONTROL+JAWSKEY+R
Switch between open panes and the main document text  F6

For Office XP:
List smart tags in this document  JAWSKey+Alt+Shift+S
Show Smart Tag Actions menu  JAWSKey+Control+Alt+S
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