Yes, thank you, but I meant the postal service (USPS). 


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Eric Damery
Sent: Thursday, December 17, 2009 10:28 AM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] JAWS 11 Update Posted today, December 17th

UPS Tracking option in Research It was included several weeks ago in
build 746 if I recall. You should find it in your list.

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of CrisMunoz54
Sent: Thursday, December 17, 2009 1:24 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] JAWS 11 Update Posted today, December 17th

Thanks for the heads-up. In the future, could a similar feature for
tracking packages via the USPS be considered? My wife has an online
business and the USPS is what she uses. She's sighted, but I help her
out whenever possible and this time to time requires the tracking of a
package. It would be most helpful and fast to have a research it option
for this as well. 

On a side note, other than requesting or suggesting research it loptions
on a public mailing list, is there any other way to give feedback on
this jfw feature for future considerations? I mean, outside of the
standard tech support e-mail for example.


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Eric Damery
Sent: Thursday, December 17, 2009 8:44 AM
Subject: [JAWS-Users] JAWS 11 Update Posted today, December 17th

Greetings all,
The latest Update for JAWS 11 users has been released. You can get it
now on the download pages of Freedom Scientific or via the Check for
Updates Option. Please remember that if you have made some changes to
your Research It items, you may need to go to the configuration manager
and check all the items after installing this new update. Here are the
details on the changes below.
Eric Damery

Enhanced Typing Support for Focus Braille Displays

For several versions, JAWS has had the ability to receive text input
from the Focus 40 and 80, and Focus 40 Blue braille displays using the
included Perkins-style braille keyboard. Use LEFT SHIFT+SPACEBAR+RIGHT
SHIFT, the three buttons at the front of the device, to toggle Typing
Mode on and off on the Focus display. Now this functionality has been
expanded so that the Focus can do almost everything you can do while
using PAC Mate Remote. When you toggle on Typing Mode, not only can you
input text via computer braille, but you can also control your computer
from the Focus, just as you can with PAC Mate Remote using a PAC Mate BX
or QX.

For more information, refer to the PAC Mate Remote Help topic in JAWS
for the list of keystrokes.: Open the JAWS Help system and navigate to
the Keystrokes book. Press RIGHT ARROW to expand the book then DOWN
ARROW to the "Keystrokes for PAC Mate BX Remote Mode" topic. Press ENTER
on this topic, and then F6 to move into the reading pane. You must have
JAWS 11.0.756 or later installed to use this enhanced Typing Mode


Enhancements in JAWS 11.0.756 (December 2009)

The following is a list of items addressed or added between the final
JAWS 11.0.746 release and the JAWS 11.0.756 posting. All enhancements
since the initial public beta release are included in this release.

*       Resolved an issue in Windows 7 where properly authorized JAWS
licenses were being asked to reactivate after rebooting. 
*       Improvements have been made to the way JAWS recognizes all data
tables that are tagged with the <TH> component. 
*       Resolved an issue with FSReader 2.0 where audio content was not
being played after pressing CTRL+P. 
*       The Set Row Total and the Set Column Total functions now
correctly define and report the row or column total for the selected
cell in an Excel worksheet. 
*       Resolved an issue in Excel where some settings were not
correctly saved after closing the Adjust JAWS Options dialog box. 
*       JAWS correctly identifies tables using the Navigation Quick Key
T when running Internet Explorer 7 or Internet Explorer 8. 
*       Resolved an issue where JAWS would frequently shut down when
running Windows Explorer in Windows 7. 
*       When using Firefox, JAWS correctly enters Forms Mode and reads
table headings. 
*       Resolved a reported issue when using Terminal Services or Remote
desktop if connecting to a computer running Windows 7. 
*       Resolved a reported issue in Internet Explorer edit controls
where text being selected was not being announced as expected. 

The following lookup sources have been added to the JAWS Research It
feature in this release. Remember that you can quickly access lookup
sources using the INSERT+SPACEBAR, R keystroke. See previous lookup
>  for a list of items added in an earlier release.

*       Area Code Lookup: Type a U.S. or Canadian area code into the
lookup edit field and learn the city, state, or province location for
that area code. 
*       Business Search: Allows you to search for a specific or general
business in your area using its name or business category and location.
The location can be in the form of a zip code, city, or city and state.
Search results will provide the name, address, phone number, and, when
applicable, Web site link. Always use a semicolon to separate the
business name or category from the location, for example, pizza; 33716.
This particular search will return a list of pizza restaurants in and
around the 33716 zip code. If you know the name and location of a
business, such as John Doe Plumbing in St.  Petersburg, Florida, you can
type John Doe Plumbing; St Petersburg, FL to retrieve the address and
phone number. If you would rather see results for more plumbers in your
city, enter the term plumbers and then the location for a list of these
businesses in your area. Note: Use a comma to separate the city and
state location. Also, do not use a period when typing city name
abbreviations, for example, type St Petersburg, FL, or Washington, DC.
For more information, refer to the Business Search example
*       Convert Currency: Use this lookup source to convert an amount of
money from one currency into a foreign equivalent. The current day's
exchange rate is used to convert the currency values typed into the
lookup edit field. Note: Three letter abbreviations are used to
represent international currencies, for example, USD for U.S. dollars,
GBP for British pounds, or EUR for Euros. To view a list of valid
currency abbreviations, select the Convert Currency lookup without
entering a monetary value. Research It will indicate that you must enter
valid currency values and will then display a list of currency
abbreviations for numerous countries. Run Convert Currency again, but
this time use the appropriate currency abbreviations from the previous
list. When typing currencies and amounts into the lookup edit field,
first type the amount and currency you are converting from, and then
type the currency that you are converting to. For example, to convert
100 U.S. dollars into British pounds, type 100 USD GBP using a space
between each item typed. The result will appear similar to 100 U.S.
dollars = 61. 2070021 British pounds. Refer to the Convert Currency
for more information. 
*       FedEx Tracking: Returns status information for a valid FedEx(r)
tracking number. Note: You may want to consider making this your default
lookup source if your job requires you to frequently track FedEx ship

Eric Damery
Vice President, Software Product Management Freedom Scientific Inc.
11800 31st Court North
St. Petersburg, FL 33716-1805
Phone: 727-299-6110
Fax: 727-803-8001
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