
Quick Reading on Mobile is a system programed in JAWS Scripting and allows you 
to convert books to be readable on your Symbian Phone using Nuance Talks screen 
The link to download the program is after instructions in this message.

After installing Quick Reading on Mobile, you will find on the desktop an icon 
named Quick Reading on Mobile 2.1. 
Pressing enter on it, Notepad will open. Here you must have in Format menu, the 
option "Word Wrap" not checked. 
Open the document in your text editor with the book you want to convert, select 
all and copy the content to clipboard. 
When you are on the Notepad window with the template opened, press Control + 
Shift + H to start the process. Don't press Control + V to paste the text, this 
will be done automatically for you.. 
First of all, a question will appear: "Are you sure you want to convert?". 
Press Yes or No. 
After, an edit box will appear asking the name for the document and file. 
Another edit will appear asking for the distance between bookmarks. The 
distance is calculated in Page_Downs. 10 Page_Downs mean approximately 5 Word 
Wait until Notepad will close. 
During the process, don't do anything, don't touch the keyboard. It is better 
to have your Messenger closed. 

The book converted into HTML will be found in Documents folder. 
You must copy the converted file into your Mobile Phone and open it pressing 
Select Key on it. 
Your Internet Browser will open the document without connecting to internet. 
For each Bookmark you will find a heading Level 2. During reading the book, you 
will hear: "Heading Level 2 - Bookmark 1", "Heading Level 2 - Bookmark 2" etc. 
Next time you will open the book on your mobile, you can find the bookmark 
pressing "H" Key 4 on you keypad. Press key 4 until you will hear "Heading 
Level 2 – Bookmark x", where x is the bookmark you were last time. 
This version is tested with Symbian 3rd Edition with Nuance Talks 3.6 and 4.0. 
These scripts works with all versions of JAWS.
The Say All command in Nuance Talks is Talks Key + Down Arrow. 

Enjoy reading with your Mobile Phone! 

Download the installing file at:

    Emanuel Boboiu
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