
First of all, welcome to the list and welcome to jaws and welcome to the blind community.

It is possible to use skuype without scripts. You may want to try this first and see how you get on.

If you do want to use the jaws scripts for skype, you can get the scripts from


you want to get the script installer for your version of skype.

Alternatively or additionaly, you may also want to get SkypeTalking from




has a free audio tutorial on skype. This also includes a section on installing the jaws scripts. The tutorial for skype 4.x is still helpful even if you are using skype 5.0.

If you are new to jaws, if your purchase of jaws included an SMA (Software Maintenance Agreement) you might be eligible to upgrade to jaws 12, which is the current version. this is not a must but you do not save anything by skipping an upgrade.

If you find the jaws help material difficult to navigate, you may want to download the straight mp3 files from FS's website or just copy the mp3's from the daisy material on your jaws disk. these mp3s can be listened to with your favorite media player.

If you are fairly newly blind, a lot might be quite daunting to you. You have done the right thing, though, to join these mailing lists. the blind community at large is very helpful. There are several audio chat sites for the blind available where you can find friendship and support and also a lot of help and training. and you might also want to check out if any of the blind consumer organizations have a local chapter in your area. I lost my sight more than 12 years ago myself and found that at least as important as technology and resources was fellowship with and support of and by other blind folks.

Take care and God Bless,


At 04:19 PM 12/7/2010, you wrote:
I am new to this list, also to Jaws and not that well acquainted with being blind yet.
I use Jaws 11, Windows XP and use speech not Braille.
I find the Jaws users help files very hard to navigate and follow.
Could anybody direct me to the source of information which would enable me to download scripts?
In particular I want to use Skipe.
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