Ok, it is in the Jaws settings dialog. It can only be invoked for all application so it affects all her applications, going to the top of the applications list gets you to the default application.

Method:  Jaws-12 only:

1.  Press insert-6

2.  Press control-shift-d to specify all applications

3.  Type manage

4. Press down arrow and you should hear the search result "Manage Keyboard Labels". Press enter. You may need to press enter twice to bring up the list of 84 items.

5.  Press the letter t and you should hear "tab".

6.  Hit tab to the mute check box and check it with spacebar.

7. Arrow to Ok and press enter. Arrow to Ok again to save the settings and press enter.

NOTE: The Keyboard labeler has three firlds. The first field is the KeyName. The second is a checkbox to either speak or silence the key label. The third field is a edit field where you can change what Jaws says for a particular key.

Take my advice, I don't use it anyway.

Lansing, MI

----- Original Message ----- From: "Joanne" <countrymom...@embarqmail.com>
To: <jaws-users-list@jaws-users.com>
Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2011 6:32 PM
Subject: [JAWS-Users] how to silence tab key in jaws 12

My friend prefers her Jaws to be on speak all characters, as in the alphabet or number characters, but she wants her tab key silenced. She is using Jaws 12, and I know in past versions we could check or uncheck keys under keyboard manager. Does anyone know how to silence tab without silencing the other characters she types? Thanks.
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