Hi all. I am looking for the yahoo messenger scripts in hanced by jitendra 
ashok mahimkar aka jitendra  they were written by some one elts. these scripts 
used to be on the jaws-users sight. if some one can please put them up there 
again that would be grate. I am running windows xp and jaws 11 with yahoo 
messenger 9. I am getting rather tyard of having to ask for these and not 
really getting anywhere. I can read my contacts  but not the messages and so 
there for yahoo messenger is rather useless. I have tryed roling back to 
messenger 8 and going up to messenger 10 and still i can't read the message 
windo or typing windo only the contacts.  if some one can please re poast these 
scripts or info back on the tips and trix page that would be grate. many 
thanks. from Mich. ps or if some one knows where I can get in touch with this 
jitendra person that would be grate. I have tried googling there name to try to 
find contact info but have came up empty. from Mich Verrier from New Liskeard 
Ontario Canada.
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