Hello list,


With all the trouble that the latest Jaws release (12.0.1158) has given me
and others on these various slists, I have gone back to using Jaws 11
(11.0.1476 I think it is) for now. Aside from the issues here and there that
have been fixed in the newer JFW 12 releases, I’m satisfied with Jaws 11
over all.


There is one thing however that I am experiencing and because it’s been so
long since I’ve used JFW 11, I can’t recall if this was present in Jaws 11
when it was still the newest build.


When I open a Word document, be it by launching MicrosoftWord itself or by
composing an e-mail message through my Outlook 2003, I have difficulty with
getting around the message field.


I can type in the subject field with no problems and can arrow back and
forth by character, word etc, but when I’m in the message field for example,
I can’t seem to do anything. Jaws will just read the line of text that I’m
on, but I am unable to arrow back and forth or up and down. Very similar if
I had the virtual cursor turned off on a webpage. The same goes for when
I’ve got a Word document open. I can type fine and dandy, but once I try
using the various say all commands, It’s almost completely a no go. The say
all command works, but that's it.


I’ve tried switching the format from plane text to rtf to html and it
doesn't make a difference. I've also tried going from the normal view to web
etc in the view menu and still nothing.


Sometimes, and for no reason, everything will work fine and I can navegate
text wit no problems, but the troubles explained above happen more often
than not and because  of this, I'm finding myself using JFW 11 for pretty
much everything, but when I have to type something or compose or respond to
an e-mail, I'm switching between the two JFW versions. I can't figure out
why sometimes things will work fine and others, it's just not happening.


Is anyone else experiencing this and if so, were they able to fix it?


I'm using Word 2003 and the Jaws versions mentioned above.



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