below is the lengthy list of imodicons lifted directly from the Windows Live Mail dictionary file. You can type these guys into a message, but unless they are included in the JAWS dictionary for that program, they won't speak the translation, just the characters.

(#).Hot Sun.
(&).Dog's head.
(?).Ask Someone Later.
(@).Cat Face.
(A).Angel smiley.
(B).Beer Mug.
(C).Coffee Cup.
(D).Martini Glass.
(F).Red Rose.
(G).Gift With Bow.
(H).smiley with sunglasses.
(I).Light Bulb.
(K).Red Lips.
(L).Red Heart.
(M).MSN Messenger Service Icon.
(N).Thumbs Down.
(S).Half Moon.
(T).Telephone Receiver.
(U).Broken Heart.
(W).Wilted rose.
(Y).Thumbs Up.
(^).Birthday cake.
(brb).Be Right Back smiley.
(ci).lit cigarette.
(ip).Island with Palm Trees.
(mp).Mobile Phone.
(yn).Cross Your Fingers.
({).Left hug.
(||).Chop Sticks.
(}).Right hug.
(~).Film strip.
*-).Thinking smiley.
+o(.Sick smiley.
8-).Eye Rolling smiley.
8-|.Geek smiley.
8o|.Teeth bearing smiley.
:$.Embarrassed smiley.
:'(.Crying smiley.
:(.Sad smiley.
:-#.Don't tell me anymore smiley.
:@.Angry smiley.
:O.smiley Says O.
:P.smiley With Tongue Out.
:S.Crooked smiley.
:[.Vampire Bat.
:^).annoyed smiley.
.:d.Open-Mouthed smiley.
:|.Stern smiley.
;).Winking smiley.
<:o).Party smiley.
^o).Sarcastic smiley. far as I know.
afk.away from keyboard.
b4n.bye for now.
bak.back at the keyboard. back in a bit. back later.
bfn.bye for now.
bg.big grin.
bl.belly laughing. right back!.
bta.but then again. the way.
bwthdik.but what the heck do I know?.
cu.see you.
cul.see you later.
cyo.See you online.
diku.Do I know you?.
dityid.Did I tell you I'm distressed?.
dqmot.Don't quote me on this.
emfbi.Excuse me for buttting in.
eom.end of message.
faq.Frequently-ask question(s).
fmtyewtk.Far more than you ever wanted to know.
fomcl.Falling off my chair laughing.
fud.Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt.
fwiw.For what it's worth.
fyi.For your information.
ga.go ahead.
gal.get a life!.
gd&r.Grinning, ducking, and running.
gmta.great minds think alike.
gol.Giggling out loud.
gtrm.Going to read mail.
hth.hope this helps. any case.
ianal.I am not a lawyer (but).
iha.I hate acronyms.
iirc.If I remember correctly.
ilu.I love you.
ily.I Love you.
im.Immediate message.
imho.In my humble opinion.
iming.chatting online.
imo.In my opinion.
iow.In other words.
iyswim.If you see what I mean.
jbod.Just a bunch of disks.
kotc.Kiss on the cheek.
kwim.Know what I mean?.
ld.Later, dude.
ldr.Long-distance relationship.
link imnsho.In my not so humble opinion.
llta.Lots and lots of thunderous applause.
lol.Laughing out loud.
ltm.Laugh to myself.
ltr.Long-term relationship.
lulab.Love you like a brother.
lulas.Love you like a sister.
morf.Male or female.
moss.Member of the same sex.
motos.Member of the opposite sex.
musm.Miss you so much.
nfw.No feasible way.
np.No problem.
nrn.No response necessary.
oll.Online love.
otf.Off the floor.
otoh.On the other hand.
ottomh.Off the top of my head.
pebcak.Problem exists between chair and keyboard.
pibkac.Problem is between keyboard and chair.
rotfl.Rolling on the floor laughing.
rpg.Role-playing games.
rsn.reel soon now.
shcoon.Shoot hot coffee out of nose.
sol.Smiling out loud.
somy.Sick of me yet?.
stw.Search the Web.
tafn.That's all for now.
tanstaafl.There ain't no such thing as a free lunch.
tgif.Thank God it's Friday.
tmi.Too much information.
topca.Til our paths cross again.
tptb.The powers that be.
ttfn.Ta-Ta for now.
ttt.Thought that, too.
ttyl.Talk to you later.
tu.Thank you.
vbg.Very big grin.
wfm.Works for me.
wtg.Way to go!.
wtgp.Want to go private?.
wu.What's up?.
wysiwyg.What you see is what you get.
|-).Tired smiley.
pmfjib,Pardon me for jumping in but...,

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