I would  think that alt shift t would give you the total length of the file.

-----Original Message----- From: Scorpio Forever
Sent: Sunday, July 17, 2011 10:45 PM
To: Jaws Users List
Subject: [JAWS-Users] GoldWave File Length and Splitting Issue

Hi Folks,

I am attempting to split a large file into smaller chunks and I'm having trouble with it for the first time ever.

First, the relevant facts...

I'm currently using the latest build of GoldWave and Jaws 12, and the latest GoldWave scripts from the Jaws-Users scripts page.

I'm also using Windows XP home edition on a Toshiba laptop.

Now the particulars of the case.

The file I'm trying to split is just under 6 and a half hours long, this according to Winamp, my BookSense XT and the status line under Windows Explorer.

Once loaded into GoldWave, however, GoldWave reports that the file is only 23 minutes and 17 seconds long after doing a control+A to highlight the entire file.

I've even attempted to move, both the start and end markers to the end of the file, and playing on from there, but no go. I can't for the life of me understand why I can't get past the 23 minutes and 17 second mark.

A few possibly irrelevant facts are that this is an Audible converted file, and though GoldWave states that there's only 23 minutes in the file, when I play the file on my BookSense XT, or in Winamp, the entire file is there at just under six hours and a half. Another possibly irrelevant fact is that when reading the status bar in Windows Explorer, the status line is reading the entire file is there at the 6 and a half hours, but it's stating that it's a quicktime format file, even though the extension is MP3.

If anyone has any ideas as to why this is happening, I would appreciate your input.


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