Install sp3 so you can get your updates. If you lose your wireless connection. Open up the control panel, system, device manager under networking, and look for your wireless device. If it don't show then unplug it and re plug to see if it shows. Now if it does show. Than hit the application key on it or right click. Then chose enable.
It probably was disabled.
For best results on installing sp3. you should be wired to the router so you don't lose connection on the reboots.

At 01:04 PM 12/8/2011, you wrote:
This has nothing to do with JAWS, but I will tell you why I don't have SP3
since it came up in this thread.

I installed SP3 and lost my wireless connection.  I researched it, but could
not find how to resolve the problem.  Lots of people have had problems with
SP3 from what I read online.  There may be a simple solution to the problem
I encountered, but I don't know what it is and I needed Internet access, so
I decided not to reinstall SP3 until and unless I know how I can GET online
when I have it.  I know it probably installed without issue for the vast
majority of people out there, but I know of two other people who had
problems when they installed it, and I saw lots of things online about it,
unfortunately I did not find how I could resolve it.

I am likely going to get a Windows 7 computer in the near future anyway.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Steve" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, December 08, 2011 12:35 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] JAWS 13, MS Outlook 2003, and Quick Settings

Well, anybody that uses XP SP2 is asking for trouble.  Lots of security
holes that are available.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Joni Colver" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2011 1:05 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] JAWS 13, MS Outlook 2003, and Quick Settings

> Hi Andy,
> I got an error when trying to use the Quick Settings in Internet Explorer
> after installing JAWS 13.  I will paste my error into this message so you
> can see if it is the same one you are getting.  I assume after some
> discussion with others, including another JAWS user who had the same
> error,
> that I did not have a needed file, probably because I do not have Service
> Pack 3 installed.  That is a long story that has nothing to do with JAWS.
> I
> searched for the file the error message said was missing and found it
> here:
> I downloaded the first file and my Quick Settings feature then worked.  In
> addition, the Research It feature did not work for me in JAWS 13 at all.
> It
> found no results, but did not give me an error message.  The file I
> downloaded apparently was needed for Research It also on my computer
> because
> it began to work after I downloaded the file.  I am using XP Home with
> SP2.
> Here is the error message I got:
> QuickSettings Validation Error Internet Explorer
> Error gathering files to parse
> C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Freedom
> Scientific\JAWS\13.0\Settings\enu\Default.qs
> Cannot use the MSXML 6.0 parser.  Please ensure that you have the MSXML 6
> component installed.
> Line Not Available
> Col  Not Available
> C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Freedom
> Scientific\JAWS\13.0\Settings\enu\Default.qsm
> Cannot use the MSXML 6.0 parser.  Please ensure that you have the MSXML 6
> component installed.
> Line Not Available
> Col  Not Available
> C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Freedom
> Scientific\JAWS\13.0\Settings\enu\Internet Explorer.qs
> Cannot use the MSXML 6.0 parser.  Please ensure that you have the MSXML 6
> component installed.
> Line Not Available
> Col  Not Available
> C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Freedom
> Scientific\JAWS\13.0\Settings\enu\Internet Explorer.qsm
> Cannot use the MSXML 6.0 parser.  Please ensure that you have the MSXML 6
> component installed.
> Line Not Available
> Col  Not Available
> OK
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Baracco, Andrew W" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2011 10:59 AM
> Subject: [JAWS-Users] JAWS 13, MS Outlook 2003, and Quick Settings
> I am running JAWS 13 on a Dell laptop running Windows XP Media Center
> Edition. I am using MS Outlook 2003. I am unable to access the Quick
> Settings Utility. When I try, I get a dialogue that says something like,
> "JAWS 13 cannot access the MS Parser. Please make sure that MS Parser is
> installed."  I am not familiar with MS Parser.  What is it, and how do I
> find and install it?
> Andy
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