
Gene Asner did a presentation on Thunderbird for Accessible World a couple years ago. One part is devoted to the older Windows Live Mail and the other part is on Thunderbird. Some of both parts is outdated, but I'm also giving Thunderbird a try and I found the presentation helpful. Go to:

and look for the link
Tek Talk Presents Gene Asner.

There might be a presentation by someone else there as well. I may have seen mention of one in an old post from somewhere. I'll try to look.

There were also some other presentations I know about that I found helpful. Raul A. Gallegos did two for Main Menu. He uses Window-Eyes, but JAWS users can still get a good deal from the podcasts since he gives keystrokes and information Gene doesn't. The last one I found helpful and is the most recent is one GW Micro did in October of 2011. JAWS users can also get additional information from it. I'm having computer trouble and will have to look up the URLs when the 'puter is behaving better, but maybe you can find them in the mean time.

There's a list for blind Thunderbird and Firefox users. Send a blank message to:

I'd also be interested in how to tell Thunderbird to check for mail on a set schedule.

Hope this helps,


On 2/3/2012 10:50 PM, Donnie Parrett wrote:
I am taking Thunderbird for a test drive. I am using a Windows 7 64 bit
machine with JAWS 12. I am needing some audio tutorials for Thunderbird
used with JAWS. Are there any available? Also, is there a list or group
that I can join to learn more about Thunderbird?


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