Wondering if someone on this list could confirm something for me. If
you have following configuration,


Win 7 Home Premium 64 bit;

MS Office 2010;

JAWS 14 and/or 13


Please try the following. Send your self a MS Word document. When the
message arrives in your inbox, hit enter to open it. Then use either
insert (JAWS key) A or tab until you hear list of attachments. Arrow
to the Word Attachment you sent yourself and hit enter.


Hopefully you have all default setting in your trust center enabled
and the document should open in protected view. Now see if you can
read the document as is in protected view using standard JAWS reading
functions such as arrow down one line at a time or insert down arrow
key to read the document. Don't use the JAWS cursor to read the
document. If this works, hit Ctrl key to silence JAWS then hit F6 key
to see if a message pops up telling you the document is in protected
view. If you hear this message, see if you can arrow down to an enable
button, press space bar, and then read the document in unprotected
view and try any type basic editing function such as delete a few
characters, or  type in it.


Please let me know your experience on or off list and what version of
JAWS you did this with.




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