Mike and Trish,
  Thanks so much for this.
I did not catch how to make a folder in the first place.
My thought is to have a folder labeled "e mails" in "my docs".
Please bare with my inexperience and let me know how to make/create the folder in "my docs". I then could follow your steps to copy the mails.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Mike B." <mb69ma...@charter.net>
To: <jaws-users-list@jaws-users.com>
Sent: Friday, June 28, 2013 1:08 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Copy to flash drive

Hi Rich,

Below are steps on saving from OE to your My Documents / Recipes folder. I am only using the Recipes folder as an example but, if you're going to save emails from different folders in OE it would be easier to make folders with the same titles in My Documents to keep them in the same order, so to speak.
Here are the steps:

Using Outlook Express below is 1 set of steps on how to save an email to the
Recipe folder in your My Documents folder.
1. With the email you want to save highlighted / selected, press Alt + F,
for the file menu, arrow down to save as, & press enter. Or press Alt + F,
then press the letter, A.
2. A dialogue opens & you can change the name of the message here, if you
3.A. Tab 1 time to the save as combobox & right here this is where you
choose which format you want to save the email as.  Your choices are Mail
*.eml, Text file *.txt, & Unicode Text File *.txt. Personally I save email in both .EML & .TXT formats but, you can't save them in both formats at the
same time so, you have to save the email 2 times, once in each format.
3.B. We will use the .EML format for now.  So, you are in the save as
combobox, arrow down to Mail *.eml, tab 3 times to the save in combobox,
arrow up or down to the My Documents folder, with the My documents folder
highlighted, tab 3 more times to, folder view list view. This is a list of
folders in your My Documents folder.
4. Arrow down to your Recipe folder & press enter to open the folder, now
tab to the save button, & press the spacebar.  Your recipe has now been
saved in your Recipe folder. If you want to save this same email as a text
file, your Recipe folder has already been selected so, you don't have to
navigate to the Recipe folder.
5. Press Alt + F, then press the letter, A,  tab 1 time to the save as
combobox, press the letter T, for text file or arrow down to the Text File
*.txt option, tab 1 time to save, & press the spacebar or enter.  When you
are in the save as combobox you can use first letter navigation instead of
arrowing to your format of choice.

Go look in your recipe folder to see if your messages have been saved the
way you want them saved.  Saving email outside of your email client takes
some practice & getting used to but, it is well worth the extra work.  If
your email client was to become corrupted for whatever reason, having your
email saved outside you won't lose your emails. Personally I don't have any
emails saved in Outlook Express.

Hope this helped.
Take care.
This email was sent from my, iBarstool.

---- Original Message ----- From: Rich Hamel
To: jaws-users-list@jaws-users.com
Sent: Friday, June 28, 2013 6:28 AM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Copy to flash drive

Thank you for that advice.
But, how do I do this?

----- Original Message ----- From: "Mike B." <mb69ma...@charter.net>
To: <jaws-users-list@jaws-users.com>
Sent: Friday, June 28, 2013 1:16 AM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Copy to flash drive

Hi Rich,

You have to save the email as some kind of file whether it be an .eml or,
.txt file before you can copy it onto your flashdrive.  As a test try to
copy an email while it is close & paste it somewhere. It won't work. It
has to be saved as with a file extension to it in on order for it to be
copied.  So in short, you will need to save the emails somewhere outside
OE in order to be saved to your flashdrive.  HTH
Take care.
This email was sent from my, iBarstool.

----- Original Message ----- From: Rich
To: jaws-users-list@jaws-users.com
Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2013 6:25 PM
Subject: [JAWS-Users] Copy to flash drive

Hi all,
  I have XP and 14.0 and Outlook Express.
I want to copy around 100 e mails that I have in various folders in
Express and paste them on to a flash drive/thumb drive. {same thing?}.
Do I just put the flash in to the USB port go to e mail, select all of the
desired messages, then paste them in to the appropriate drive/device in

This seems easier than trying tocopy them in to "My documents".

Thanks for any help.

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