I just restored a computer and put windows 7 professional and jaws 15 on it.
Internet explorer was also loaded now I have 2 computers the other one has
the same thing except it has windows 7 home.  Well internet explorer looks
different on the computer I restored.  Control j nolongers is for looking at
downs loads.  The control j is now used for feeds.  And when down loading a
program it works like  the older explorers  by having a diologue box come up
to ask if you want to save the files.  I tried to upgrade it but Microsoft
would not let me download ie 11.  I said all this to say is there a newer
version of ie and not everybody has got it  yet??  It says ie 8 I think it
is for windows 8 users. I know it is not version 8 because of some of the
things it has any suggestions .

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