Hi everybody!

I need urgent help!

Something happened with my PC running Vista as OS and I can't use JAWS and MS Office together. When JAWS runs (ie. JFW.exe is in the memory as a process) I can't start Word and Excel of any MS Office versions. (I tried it with Office 2003, 2007 and 2010 - namely all versions I have.) But other MS Office products, like FrontPage, PowerPoint, Access runs in this case. Word and Excel signs immediately at start an system error and Windows tells me that the net will be searched for problem solvings but finds nothing and asks me to close the program. When I stop JAWS, (ie. removes JFW process from the memory) and use an other screen reader app both program runs normally. What is the problem with JAWS? All installed JAWS versions cause this problem. (I have installed version 9, 11 and 14.) I tried to reinstall JAWS completly but without any success. I removed all components and also the registry was cleaned, too before the new installation.) I would need use JAWS with this apps, because I write special JAWS scripts for them.

Could help me anybody?

Thanks in advance.

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