Old version Jaws 15 has already been uninstalled from my computer, but then I 
won't be in a great hurry for Window 10, will do it after I know a bit more 
about Jaws 17 probably, I am still in 7, as until recently I had to be for my 
job.  Now no longer employed, retired earlier than I thought I was going to do 
so last year at this time.  Not anxious to move to 10 at this point as I am now 
alone, my late husband is not here to help me initially as he was with 7, 
Vista, XP, 98.  I held onto 98 for two years after everyone else went to XP 
until the computer I was using stopped working in fact.  However, I was more 
than glad to upgrade from Vista to 7 but was not a first-day adopter, changed 
in February 2010.  I know it is long past time for me to move on from 7 but 8.0 
did not appeal at all, I here 8.1 is better but, since 10 is out soon will wait 
at least until September or October to switch.  Will see if my cousin can come 
help, first as he is an expert with degree in computer software engineering.  
Based on what I am hearing thus far, I know I am going to prefer Windows 7 over 
10, but6 progress is the name of the game.  No squealing for joy over this 
change as I did when 95 became accessible but know must continue to progress if 
at a snail's pace.  \

On the other hand I am a first day adopter of Jaws beta when it becomes 
available, I trust FS to meet my needs if not initially soon after as I don't 
trust Microsoft to do so.  I don't turn many problems with a beta, as I usually 
do mostly internet, e-,ail and word processing, don't touch Excel unless I am 
forced to do so and only then if someone else has created the worksheet.  I am 
not into desktop publishing, don't subscribe to movie services, am not into 
truly complex stuff at all and only maybe twice in the years I have used Jaws 
have I turned in a complaint or bug report.  Still, for the most part I like 
the improvements I have seen over the past 18 years or so, for the things I 
have done the most.  Only wish that more medical transcription platforms did 
everything they should do with Jaws, but that is not necessarily the fault of 
JAWS programmers but the programmers who create the platforms.  I was employed 
39 years at one job, managed with Optacon, ASAP, JAWS during that time with 
minor difficulties that my former job understood but was outsourced in March.  
I might still be employed had I been able to access every item needed in 
eScription 11 for example but instead I stressed out, became very ill with more 
than stress as an issue and lost the job after six weeks.  Again, not Jaws 
fault, not completely my fault but more the programmers and supervisors who 
could not understand the issues I was facing with boxes that would not open so 
I could provide the correct information, some of which were not even visible to 

Since this is not a commonly used program by thousands but only used by 
probable less than 10 persons, I did not expect FS to assist me.  Instead, I 
decided to retire a couple of years earlier than I had initially planned, now 
am bored to death after only eight weeks and wish I could help somewhere from 
home, can't move at the moment.  

Feeling mostly useless which is probably why I am writing long messages, LOL.  

Rose Combs
A picture may be worth a thousand words but it takes up three times the memory!

-----Original Message-----
From: JAWS-Users-List [mailto:jaws-users-list-boun...@jaws-users.com] On Behalf 
Of Carolyn Arnold
Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 3:23 PM
To: jaws-users-list@jaws-users.com
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Upgrading to Windows 10 could mean thingsstopworking 
at anytime. Dan's tip for June 25 2015

Same here. Thanks for reminding about IE - need to make note of that one.

"Whether you think you can or you can't, you're probably right." Henry Ford.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Holger Fiallo" <hfia...@rcn.com>
To: <jaws-users-list@jaws-users.com>
Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 6:13 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Upgrading to Windows 10 could mean thingsstopworking 
at anytime. Dan's tip for June 25 2015

> Check podcast by FS on jaws 16 and window 10. There comments about 10 
> is very interesting. Also the suggestion regarding making IE the 
> default program. Also how you will need to uninstall old version of 
> jaws before installing 10. Anyone who will get 10, must listen to the 
> podcast. I did and will follow their suggestion.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: TheHangMan
> Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 5:06 PM
> To: jaws-users-list@jaws-users.com
> Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Upgrading to Windows 10 could mean things 
> stopworking at anytime. Dan's tip for June 25 2015
> Hi trish,
> Thank you for this mail.
> I'm going 10 Pro on my 2 laptops and say, 'later to 7.'
> Got to stay running with the horses,
> I notice you're up there in the pack.
> Jorge
> -----Original Message-----
> From: JAWS-Users-List [mailto:jaws-users-list-boun...@jaws-users.com] 
> On Behalf Of Trish
> Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 11:06 AM
> To: Jaws-users-list
> Subject: [JAWS-Users] Upgrading to Windows 10 could mean things stop 
> working at anytime. Dan's tip for June 25 2015
> Upgrading to Windows 10 could mean things stop working at anytime June 
> 22,
> 2015 by 22 Point
> Windows 10 logo
> I’m excited about the upcoming release of Windows 10 – which is good, 
> since I’m writing a book on Windows 10 (Please E-Mail me to subscribe 
> to my E-Mail list to be in the know as soon as it’s released).
> You will find an email link at the URL just below.
> https://22point.wordpress.com/2015/06/22/upgrading-to-windows-10-could
> -mean-things-stop-working-at-anytime/
> I think the return of the start menu is a fantastic thing. I am 
> looking forward to the voice activation features Cortana will bring 
> (even if they’ll only be available to several countries at launch), 
> and I’m ambitious about the possibilities of the new Windows Store 
> making it safe again for people to download addon software without 
> extra addons they didn’t ask for (see this warning about every major 
> Windows freeware site
> Found here:
> http://www.howtogeek.com/207692/yes-every-freeware-download-site-is-se
> rving-crapware-heres-the-proof/
> and this warning about Sourceforge
> http://www.howtogeek.com/218764/warning-don%e2%80%99t-download-softwar
> e-from-sourceforge-if-you-can-help-it/
> and this warning about ‘free’ Anti-virus software –
> http://www.howtogeek.com/218675/beware-free-antivirus-isnt-really-free
> -anymore/
> in fact, while you’re on HowToGeek, and if you only read one article, 
> make it this article about 12 common PC myths with references those 
> others as well).
> http://www.howtogeek.com/219555/12-of-the-biggest-pc-myths-that-just-w
> ont-die/
> I do however, have one big reservation about Windows 10, which will 
> resonate with anyone who has been through a major system update and 
> uses adaptive technology (third party software which makes the PC 
> accessible to those with various disabilities) – and indeed for anyone 
> who relies heavily on any piece of third party software. Microsoft 
> have announced that as part of the Windows 10 experience you won’t be 
> able to delay updates in Windows 10 home edition.
> Read more here:
> https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/windows-10-specifications
> Windows 10 will come in a range of flavours, much like the versions 
> before it, so if you are using Windows 7 or 8 home, you’ll get a free 
> update to Windows 10 home. If you’re using Windows 7 or 8 Pro, then 
> you’ll get the update to Windows 10 Pro. While traditionally, Windows 
> updates have mostly been security patches and bug fixes, with the 
> occasional Service Pack which might introduce some new functionality, 
> Microsoft have generally held over on major system and interface 
> updates for new releases of Windows.
> Now however, Microsoft have announced that Windows 10 will be the last 
> version of Windows –
> http://www.theverge.com/2015/5/7/8568473/windows-10-last-version-of-wi
> ndows
> meaning that instead of bringing in new features in a few years and 
> repackaging the lot in a major update called say Windows 11, Microsoft 
> will simply add these features as they are developed into your regular 
> Windows updates. On the one hand this has the potential to be really 
> handy – One day suddenly new options and settings will appear, Cortana 
> will work in Australia, and other things will be changed and improved. 
> But will that always be a good thing? Imagine if you were happily 
> using Windows 7 and then one day got a Windows update you couldn’t 
> defer and all of a sudden you lost the start menu and had the Windows 
> 8 metro tile interface? With user interface and feature enhancements 
> being brought into regular Windows updates, it is possible. Since in 
> Windows 10 home edition, you won’t be able to defer updates,
> http://www.howtogeek.com/219166/you-won%E2%80%99t-be-able-to-disable-o
> r-delay-windows-updates-on-windows-10-home/
> you won’t be able to do much about it if it does happen. With Windows 
> 10 Professional, and Windows 10 Enterprise, users have the option of 
> taking updates after a few months, only after they’ve been extensively 
> tested on home users (see previous link) – which makes using Windows 
> 10 home great if you like being an early adopter and trying out new 
> things (you can also sign up to be a Windows insider and download 
> early builds of Windows 10 now before they launch, and get new 
> features in future even before they are pushed out to Windows 10 home users.
> Read more here:
> https://insider.windows.com/Home/Index
> For home users, the idea of not having a choice about installing 
> security updates is actually not so bad, as it will ensure that 
> security updates are in fact up to date, and Windows 10 won’t be quite 
> as in-your-face about updates as they have been on occasion in the 
> past, but rather will download updates and install them as you reboot, 
> as has been happening recently so many users won’t even notice except 
> that the PC will take a bit longer to shut down on those occasions.
> The problem comes in when features are added or how existing features 
> work changes. While some 3rd party programs are very quick to respond 
> to changes and ensure their programs continue to work, others are not 
> always so fast, and it depends on the changes within Windows – some 
> changes may require a 3rd party app to make only minor adjustments to 
> continue working, or even none at all, but some may take a major 
> rewrite – again consider the changes necessary for a screen reader to 
> understand how the Windows metro tile interface worked in Windows 8, 
> and then again to make all the changes necessary to support a new 
> start menu (with some metro like tiles) in Windows 10. What this means 
> is that screen reader company would need to have someone in the 
> Windows Insider program, testing new features, and responding to those 
> with program updates, hopefully before those features go live for home 
> users, otherwise, those home users who rely on that screen reader, 
> will not have access to at least that feature of Windows until their 
> screen reader is able to work with it. maybe not such a big issue if 
> the broken feature is in Microsoft Paint, but potentially crippling if the 
> feature is the Start menu or system tray.
> Probably the safest option for users relying heavily on third party 
> software such as screen readers, could be to stump up the extra $100 
> to upgrade their Windows home license to a Pro license.
> Potentially you could even upgrade to an Enterprise license which 
> would allow you to still upgrade to Windows 10 but not receive 
> incremental feature upgrades at all. Of course you can still stay with 
> Windows 7 or
> 8.1 – Windows 7 will receive support up until 2020 – although the free 
> upgrade offer is only valid for the first year so if you do stick with 
> Windows 7 or 8 beyond July 29 2016, you’ll have to pay for the new 
> version.
> For most users, I’d recommend not necessarily upgrading on day 1, and 
> potentially considering upgrading to Windows 10 pro. Because of the 
> big incentive to upgrade by it being free, it will most likely be 
> something that majority of PC users will find themselves using, so it 
> will be interesting to see how it all plays out. What are you planning 
> to do about upgrading? Are you going to be a day 1 adopter? or are you 
> going to hold out and decide whether to upgrade in about May 2016?
> EDIT: I’ve been asked a few questions and had some discussion about 
> this post, so I’ve collated some further information into a 
> supplementary post
> *Second Article  and direct link are below
> https://22point.wordpress.com/2015/06/22/upgrading-to-windows-10-futur
> e-upgrade-branch-options/
> Following the posting of the above article, Following my article 
> earlier today on Windows 10, there’s been quite a bit of discussion 
> about the best way forward for users and the costs and differences 
> between the different options.
> Basically there are three options for Windows 10 (looking at PC 
> versions here for now):
> Windows 10 Home, Windows 10 Pro and Windows 10 Enterprise.  There is 
> also Windows 10 Education which is basically Enterprise but designed 
> for educational institutions.
> Pricing
> Windows 10 pricing for home and small business is available now. To 
> buy from scratch, Windows 10 home will be $119 USD Windows 10 Pro will 
> be $199 USD and if you’ve already got Windows 10 home (or the free 
> upgrade from Windows 7 or 8 home), to upgrade that to Windows 10 pro 
> is $99 USD
> I haven’t yet found any pricing information for Enterprise, presumably 
> the idea is that if you are a business big enough and with systems 
> which are mission critical enough to require Enterprise, then you 
> negotiate a deal directly with Microsoft.
> Features
> There are plenty of articles about the features the new operating 
> system will come with, I had a first look at Windows 10 a few weeks 
> ago and will post a new update prior to the new Windows going live on 29 July.
> View my comments here from my first look.
> https://22point.wordpress.com/2015/04/15/initial_look_at_windows_10/
> Windows 10 Professional
> As to features of the other versions,
> Found here:
> http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_10-win_upgrad
> e/whats-the-difference-between-windows-10-home-and/55338b22-d042-45cb-
> b9c9-a1be21b534e1
> as well as everything you get in Windows 10 Home, Windows 10 Pro also 
> comes with:
> – Domain Join Services
> – BitLocker Drive Encryption
> – Remote Access Services
> – Group Policy editor
> – Windows Update for Business
> With most of those items, if you’re not sure what they are, you 
> probably don’t need them.  Bitlocker drive encryption is one that 
> might be of interest, essentially it’s an extra layer of security that 
> means that even if someone were to get access to your hard drive, they 
> wouldn’t be able to access the files without the encryption key.  It 
> is arguable whether it is the most secure encryption method
> https://rcpmag.com/blogs/scott-bekker/2015/06/microsoft-bitlocker-disk
> -encryption.aspx
> though it is likely the best option for most average users.
> Enterprise
> As well as everything you get in Windows 10 Pro, Windows 10 Enterprise 
> comes with:
> – Long Term Servicing Branch
> – Device Guard – help protect against the ever-growing range of modern 
> security threats targeted at devices, identities, applications and 
> sensitive company information
> Education
> In turn, Windows 10 Education builds on Windows 10 Enterprise, and is 
> designed to meet the needs of schools – staff, administrators, 
> teachers and students. This edition will be available through academic 
> Volume Licensing, and there will be paths for schools and students 
> using Windows
> 10 Home and Windows 10 Pro devices to upgrade to Windows 10 Education.
> The ‘branches’
> The Long Term Servicing Branch
> http://www.windows10update.com/2015/01/microsoft-go-into-more-detail-a
> bout-windows-10-enterprise-licensing/
> The Long Term Servicing branch (only available to Windows 10 
> Enterprise
> customers) will continue to get latest and greatest security updates 
> and enterprise grade support, but the feature updates that will be 
> pushed to normal customers will not be provided during the support 
> lifecycle of the OS. This branch is aimed at businesses who cannot 
> compromise on stability and can do without the cutting edge features.
> On Long Term Servicing branches, customers will have the flexibility 
> to deliver security updates and fixes via Windows Server Update 
> Services
> (WSUS) which allows full control over the internal distribution of 
> updates using existing management solutions such as System Center 
> Configuration Manager or to receive these updates automatically via Windows 
> Update.
> The Current Branch for Business.
> Businesses opting for the Current Branch on the other hand will be 
> able to get the feature updates from the consumer versions but at a 
> later date, once the features have been tested by Windows Insiders and 
> guaranteed to not break compatibility.
> By the time Current branch for Business machines are updated, the 
> changes will have been validated by millions of Insiders, consumers and 
> customers’
> internal test processes for several months, allowing updates to be 
> deployed with this increased assurance of validation.
> System administrators will be have the flexibility to choose the 
> updates that they would like to deploy in their operating 
> environments, giving further control over the overall stability and 
> compatibility of the Windows 10 installations.
> This is great news as it reflects the fact that Microsoft is giving a 
> lot of thought to Windows 10 as a Service and Windows 10 business 
> Requirements.
> Home branch
> There isn’t a nice neat description by Microsoft for this, but reading 
> from the Professional description above the feature upgrades will be 
> sent out to home consumers along with the security and other updates, 
> and once they’ve been found to be stable after a couple of months 
> (possibly involving one or more patches along the way to fix issues 
> found), then they will be sent out to Pro and Enterprise users on the 
> current branch for business.
> Windows insiders
> There is one more branch which is designed for the technically minded 
> who do love to be early adopters and don’t mind testing out features 
> and finding bugs. The Windows Insider program allows users to get 
> advance copies of “beta” versions of Windows features before they are 
> sent out toe Windows home and then other users. This is not designed 
> for use on your primary PC, but rather on a second or “testing” PC.
> It’s free to join the Windows Insiders program
> https://insider.windows.com/Home/Index
> Enterprise pricing
> Windows 10 Enterprise pricing seems hard to come by: Microsoft goes 
> into a lot of detail about all the many benefits you get by being an 
> Enterprise customer but not so much the price, although it does appear 
> to be on a year by year basis and I expect would likely work out more 
> expensive than other options for the average user.  Although you get 
> the long term stability branch which would be attractive to some, I 
> would HOPE that adaptive technology 
> compahttp://www.informationweek.com/software/operating-systems/windows
> -10-enterprise-update-surface-hub-pricing-microsoft-roundup/d/d-id/132
> 0849nies, (and others who make all the other third party software 
> people use) would be able to keep up at least with the “current branch 
> for business” update stream.
> If you’re interested in Microsoft’s newest toy, for everyone who wants 
> an 84″ Surface Pro hub, for all your enterprise employee collaboration 
> needs, will set you back a cool $19,999.
> http://www.informationweek.com/software/operating-systems/windows-10-e
> nterprise-update-surface-hub-pricing-microsoft-roundup/d/d-id/1320849
> If the price of a family car is a bit much for a tablet, then perhaps 
> you will be tempted by the more modest 55″ model, for which you will 
> only need to part with $6,999.
> More to come in future entries, but with that extra information, which 
> version of Windows 10 will you be aiming for?
> For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:
> http://www.jaws-users.com/help/
> For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:
> http://www.jaws-users.com/help/
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> No virus found in this message.
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> Holger Fiallo
> For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:
> http://www.jaws-users.com/help/

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