
My experience with jaws 17 have been such that I'm glad this is still a public beta only. Try using 17 with a touch screen on a tablet computer, my atom 1.8ghz quad core asus t100 is sluggish in quite a few places not the least of which is skype for desktop. Try moving up and down your contacts, if you're lucky JAWS will only be sluggish and keep talking and focusing new items for several seconds after you take the finger off the screen, but I've had plenty of jaws crash and restart, or jaws shutdowns happen to me, the shutdowns are nasty because I have to connect the keyboard dock long enough to use buttons to start jaws again.

While my t100 isn't exactly a speed demon, it does actually run pretty good, and it did ok with jaws 16. I think this ought to be fixable given that fact. I don't know if it has anything to do with extra code in use to play the tick sounds when touching no man's land or what.

With the touch keyboard, if you put it in numbers mode and slide a finger over to the number pad, you get extreme sluggishness or crash and hopefully restarts of jaws. I duplicated this numerous times with my asus t100 running windows 10 (see specs above) and my 3ghz core i7 hozwell lenovo yoga 2 pro with 8gb ram running windows 8.1.

Also, the touch keyboard is pretty dangerous on the t100 while trying to type someone a skype chat, because if you accidentally touch above the keyboard jaws will at least freeze temporarily, if not just crash and again HOPEFULLY restart. I say hopefully there because it doesn't always start up again, it just closes and you have to connect a keyboard or go back into laptop mode long enough to press the buttons you need to start jaws again.

The touch keyboard is a lot better, but the touch screen support right now feels really gimmicky, 16 didn't have as many touch screen usability features but it is far more responsive and stable.

My last issue is with smart navigation. If you have a page that uses a list of links but they're all laid out horizontally on screen even though they are indeed an html list, jaws insists on putting them in a vertical layout. You can reproduce this on freedomscientific.com near the top of the page with the navigation menu that contains items like home, products, services, downloads, support, dealer locator and shop. According to the jaws cursor (yes I really mean the jaws cursor), this is a horizontal list, a bar of links that span the top of the website, kind of looks like a menu bar. With the virtual pc cursor while you've got smart navigation turned on, this appears to be a vertical list.

I have reported all of these concerns to fs via the 17 beta report form, but as that form is crazily short on the edit boxes limiting the input to too few characters to say all that I have to say, I wondered if there was a chance I'd get Erick's or someone's attention on here, especially if anyone else wants to confirm my findings, perhaps by duplicating my problem reports via the beta report form at least.

I think the touch screen issues are likely fixable as jaws 16 is much better. Oh also, is anyone else finding web browsing to be more sluggish in internet explorer 11? Smart navigation is of course on, for elements and tables.

Cheers, Aaron Spears, general Partner - Valiant Galaxy Associates Developing "very good audiogames" for the blind community http://valiantGalaxy.com Sent with Thunderbird 38.2.0 portable
On 9/18/2015 7:38 PM, Bob Edenhofer wrote:
I’m really enjoying the beta version of jaws 17 myself!
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