
The address usually does appear I this way. You can just leave it this way. The 
business card thing will need to be turned off, but I am not sure where. 

For your emails, when you sset up your accounts, then then the folders for your 
inbox and the others will be inside the account folders. Just paste your 
messages into the corresponding folders. 
If you use stoorage folders, then be sure to create these too.Mike
Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 22, 2015, at 5:09 PM, Ron Kolesar <kolesar16...@roadrunner.com> wrote:

To all of my knoledgeable friends, I need your help with a problem. 
I have my mail back up and running. 
Before killing the older computer and there’s more things to get off of the 
older computer. 
But I went down under user, then app data, then local, then microsoft then to 
windows live mail and copied that folder and all of my mailboxes and everything 
inside the folder. 
But I have the following problem. 
How can I get my older mailboxes with all of those EM:L files of letters, into 
the new windows live mail folder in the new computer? 
I know a couple smart people like Londa and Dave could help me with this small 
So, I hope I haven’t lost all of that mail. 
Many Many Thanks. 
Also, one weird thing that I am still receiving even on the newer computer. 
When I go to type a address in the to field. 
Even those I only type in the address once, and it could be because some times 
I type in the address by the address and other times via the nickname for that 
But, it doesn’t matter how I do the address in the to field, it still comes up 
two copies of the address. 
The first address is fine, but then without a space at the end of the first 
copy of the first address I get a greater than sign then the second copy of the 
address then a lesser than sign then a colon. 
Then I usually have to cut the entire line out of the to box and place it into 
the cc box or where ever. 
Go to the greater than sign and space it once so it isn’t near the original 
copy of the email address that I want and then deleete the greater than and 
crap out, and then cut the original copy of the email address that I want and 
place it back into the to field once again, then double check it to make sure 
there’s no colons or spaces at the end of the address. Then only then can I 
ship out the letter. 
Also, To the left of the body of the letter it states that I have a personal 
business card. I never put it into any of my out going mail. So how can I kill 
that as well? 
I thank anyone who can help me out in advance. 
Now I can read all of that back log of mail from about the last week from being 
down getting the new window ten computer.
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