I don't believe you can do this.

You must be using the same synthesizer as the one you want to switch to.

Eloquence is only a Latin based synthesizer, and so won't switch to another synthesizer.

So, as long as you use one of the English Vocalizer voices, it will automatically switch to Hindi.

I may be wrong, and someone can correct me if I am.


-----Original Message----- From: Ravi Paswan
Sent: Sunday, January 3, 2016 11:09 AM
To: jaws-users-list@jaws-users.com
Subject: [JAWS-Users] issue for TTS

any can tel me is this posibal.
with in jaws I want to use the elequence and hindi vocalizer lekha as
like auto TTS.
how to do this.
because I want to my TTS is automatic change to another and another
language, text, script.
suppose I am reading a page this page wright by english and hindi or
my TTS language is automatic change.
because I don't want to use the command to change the TTS [insertCTRL+S.]
thank you reply me

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