While installing Java (JDK 8) under Windows 10, I discovered that JAWS was
unable to read the dialogues of the installation software.

A colleague helped me to complete the installation. I then invoked the
"jabswitch -enable" command as noted in the Java accessibility documentation,
which is supposed to enable the Java Access Bridge. After dooing so however,
the Java Control Panel (presumably a Java application that is included in the
Java package) was still not accessible with JAWS.

The machine is running JAWS 17.

Have others encountered this problem? Is there a known fix? I need to run at
least one Java application, although it may not be using the Java SWING
components and thus it may be accessible anyway - I'll probably have an
opportunity to find out tomorrow.
It's actually the Cisco WebEx Meeting application, which I want to use for
certain meetings that I attend.

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