I am interested in that also! and it just so happens I can get it for you. the link is below and below that is my request. the link for the old synthesizer is:


infovox230 is abandonware and so is keynote gold multimedia. you can unzip it with the free 7zip program. can you do me a favor? if you can get it working in windows10 please please let me know because this is one of my favorite tts engines. and also the guy from www.code-it.com is going to work or try and work on a small utility that will let us use any sapi4 voice under sapi5 so for example you will be able to use TruVoice or the old microsoft sapi4 voices with sapi5-only jaws or with sapi5-only games and other sapi5-only applications. it will let sapi4 voices show up under sapi5 and be used by sapi5-only applications such as jaws17. so if all goes well the old infovox230 could finally be sapi5. now if we could get keynote gold multimedia to work on modern systems that would also be excellent.

On 7/24/2016 12:37 PM, Eyþór Kamban Þrastarson wrote:

Does anyone know if and how it is possible for me to get my hands on the old
Infovox 230 Synthecizer. I want to see if I can make these voices work with
my Jaws if it is at all possible legally. B



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