I've seen nothing in writing that would indicate such and would find such an assertion suspect in the highest degree as it doesn't seem like it's serve its maker's purpose to even state such a thing if indeed they even had.
Just my two cents no one asked for.
Speaking of JFW and iTunes I made Apple Accessibility aware of a bug whereby when syncing something like music or ringtones if you choose sync selected tracks or tones screen readers are unable to read the resulting list view from which you can check your selections. If others are so inclined feel free to join in drawing Apple's attention to it in hopes it can be fixed as they acknowledge it's their issue not one lain at the feet of screen readers.

-----Original Message----- From: Josh Kennedy
Sent: Saturday, September 17, 2016 9:38 AM
To: jaws-users-list@jaws-users.com
Subject: [JAWS-Users] jaws and itunes support

hey someone emailed me saying jaws is dropping support for itunes in
jaws18 and beyond? is this true or will jaws continue to work with
itunes for years to come?

mozilla thunderbird email client

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