Hi Jim,
just a minor point about the use of backspace in File explorer.
If the focus is in the items view, then backspace normally has the same
effect as alt+left arrow, it takes you back a folder. However, if there is
not a folder to go back to, then it takes you up a level. So backspace will
often take you up a level, but not always.
Compare this with the keystrokes alt + up arrow, which always takes you up
a level, and alt + left arrow, which always takes you back a folder.

For example, if you've got File Explorer configured to open at Quick access:
1. Press windows key + e, to open file explorer at quick access.
2. Select and open the downloads folder (assuming it's one of the folders
in your quick access folder).
3 . Press backspace. You're taken back to Quick access, not up to the This
pc folder.

best wishes,

original message:

Hi Jaws users list, here is the next short lesson in my series, various
keys, your best friend.

The backspace key, your best friend!

All these short lessons in the keyboard, is your best friend series, they
are not a total list of keyboard possibilities for that specific key, they
are a list of my favorite and most used items for that key on your keyboard.
These short lessons also include step by step instructions on how to use
them, and how to get the most out of them, by hearing my various examples of
how to use them.

*Text documents.

Pressing the backspace key in any text document, will remove the letter to
the left of the cursor.

Pressing the keyboard combination control+backspace key will delete the
whole word to the left of the cursor.

*File explorer.

Using the backspace key in any open File explorer window, will take you up
one level from your current position.

For example, if I press enter on my name James, on my desktop, this desktop
shortcut opens my James user's folder.

I hear not-selected, Book share books, 1 of 14.

These are my 14 individual, user folders.

Pressing the down arrow key, will highlight and select any folder that comes
into focus.

Or if I use first letter navigation, and press the letter d, until I hear
documents, and press enter.

I will hear, not selected, BARD 1 of 27.

I am now sitting in my document's folder.

I can press enter to open any document, Or press the backspace key to go
back up one level to my list of 14 user's folders.

Ok, now press the backspace key, I am now back up one level in my file
explorer window to my James folder with my 14 users folders, I am still
sitting on the document folder.

If I press the home key, my first folder is selected and I am placed on, my
bookshare books folder.

Now if I press enter on my bookshare books folder.

I will hear, not selected, animals, 1 of 16.

This is because I have made 16, main folders of categories for all my
bookshare book folders.

For example, if I press the letter b, and press enter on, bible various

I will hear, not selected, a study of angels, 1 of 156.

If I press the letters, d, a together quickly, and press enter on David

I will here, not selected, 31 days to happiness, 1 of 37.

Now from right here, if I press the backspace key, I will go back up one
level, to the bible various books window, with David Jeremiah highlighted.

Now if I press j,o,h very quickly and down arrow and press enter on, John F.

I will hear, not selected, 1 and 2 peter, courage in times of trouble, 1 of

Now from hear, if I press the backspace key, I will go up one level in file
explorer, to the bible various books window, with the John F. Macarthur,
folder highlighted.

If I press the backspace key again, I will go up one level to the bookshare
book window, with bible various books highlighted.

If I press the backspace key again, from this bookshare books file explorer

I will hear, James, not selected, bookshare books, 1 of 14.

This works in all file explorer windows on your computer.

As you go forward and down to each level in the file explorer windows by
pressing enter on the selected folders, you come back up one level at a time
in the file explorer window, by pressing the backspace key.

*On the internet.

When you are on most internet websites, if you have pressed enter on a link
and want to go back to the previous page, press the backspace key or
ALT+left arrow key.

*Settings area in W-10.

If you are in any of the sub-categories of the settings area, pressing the
backspace key will take you back to the search edit box, of the main window
of the settings area, just tab one time to the list of the 9 main

*Edit box.

Pressing the backspace key, will delete one letter at a time, from any
search edit boxes that, you are in.

Holding down the backspace key in the search edit boxes, will delete all
characters quickly, the longer you keep the backspace key pressed down, and
the more characters are deleted.

*Tip, sometimes in certain situations, you must keep the delete key, held
down to clear an edit box, instead of the backspace key.

*Using the file explorer, quick access shortcut, windows key+e.

Read my audio tutorial called, pinning items 1, quick access.

Read the text tutorial in the W-10 and Jaws anniversary update, complete
guide part one, under the section called, ****Using Quick Access in Windows
10 with Jaws.

Press windows key+e, opens file explorer quick access to your pinned items
for quick access.

You will hear, file explorer frequent folders expanded, not selected
desktop, system folder, 1 of 8, this is what my computer says.

Again you can just use the arrow keys to select a folder, or use first
letter navigation to highlight and select a folder.

Now press the letter d, until you hear desktop, press enter to open this

On my computer, You will hear, Not selected, Amazon, followed by the date of
the file, internet shortcut, followed by size, 1 of 19.

Again you can use the arrows keys to highlight an item or use first letter
navigation to select an item from this list.

Now if you press the backspace key, you will go back up one level, to the
file explorer window, which will still be on the highlighted desktop

Now I can just press first letter navigation followed by enter, to open to
another folder in file explorer, but I think you get the idea. When in file
explorer, after pressing enter, you go down a level, after pressing the
backspace key, you move back up a level.

I hope these short lessons on, different keys, your best friends, are
helping all of you to learn how to get around in your W-10 computers more
easily, using Jaws.

All your member feedback is encouraged by me, all members' feedback is
welcomed at all times on the W-10 and Jaws group.
For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

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