Hi, Marc,

Cobery, Marc (Marc) wrote:

I am looking to add the jm:javasorce element to my schema similar to this 
example for JaxMe1.  http://jaxme.sourceforge.net/examples/misc/implements.xsd
      <jm:javasource class="ClsObserverDemo">
          public void update(java.util.Observable o, Object arg) {
            if (arg instanceof Integer) {
              if (eObservedNumbers == null) {
                eObservedNumbers = new java.util.ArrayList();
Is this possible with JaxMe2?  It appears to me that it would but I can not 
figure out how to do this modification with JaxMe2.

Sorry to say, but this wasn't yet ported. In fact, you are the first one requesting it.

Adding these things wouldn't be too possible, but for me it has low priority. However, note, that with the CVS version of JM2, you have the advantage that inheritance (xs:extension) works fine.


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