
I need to use reflextion on a source file to extract information and
generate an xml file. I found the jaxme project and especially its Java
Source Reflection part very interresting.

I especially liked the possibility to use Reflection on a method body.
But by looking deeper in the API, it doesn't seem to be possible to read
the metamodel of a method body, only to write it (addIf, newJavaField,

My next step was to get the bare contents of a JavaMethod and get the
information I need with regular expression. But when I call getLines on
a JavaMethod I get an empty list. This fonctionality doesn't exist or do
I misuse the API ?
Here is my code : 

JavaMethod rr = myJavaSource.getMethod("myMeth", new JavaQName[]
Iterator it = rr.getLines();
It.hasNext(); => false

I could get the method code using regular expression directly on the
source file but it's sad getLines doesn't work this way. Is there
another way ?

Thanks in advance for your answer,


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