Difficult to help you without a working example that reproduces the problem.

Can you please provide this working example project please?

On 29/12/2015 09:54, igal epshtein wrote:
I'm implementing my own Reporter by extending StoryReporter.

The thing is , each override method being executed 3 times (one after another) before the the execution moves to next method in the execution flow

For example : *beforeStory (3 executions) ---> beforeScenario (3 executions) ---> afterScenario (3 executions)*
The running file looks like :

/public abstract class GenericScenario extends JUnitStories {
/    //set system time property in order to be appended to the log file/
/    static {/
/SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd MMM yyyy - HH:mm:ss");/
/System.setProperty("systemDate" , dateFormat.format(new Date()));/
/    }/
/    public GenericScenario(){/
/Embedder embedder = configuredEmbedder();/
/embedder.useTimeoutParsers(new MyParser());/
/      configuration().parameterConverters().addConverters(/
/              new ParameterConverters.EnumConverter()));/
///adding skip support/
/    }/
/    public class MyParser implements StoryTimeouts.TimeoutParser{/
/public boolean isValid(String timeout) {/
/  return timeout.matches("(\\d+)sec");/
/        }/
/public long asSeconds(String timeout) {/
/  return Long.parseLong(StringUtils.substringBefore(timeout, "sec"));/
/        }/
/    }/
/    public Configuration configuration(){/
/return new MostUsefulConfiguration().useStoryLoader(/
/          new LoadFromClasspath(this.getClass()))/
/              .withFormats(Format.TXT , Format.CONSOLE )/
/              .withReporters(new MyStoryReporter()))/
/ .useStoryControls(new StoryControls().doSkipScenariosAfterFailure(true));/
/    }/
/StoryReporterBuilder storyReporter = new StoryReporterBuilder() {/
/         * The builder is configured to build with the/
/ * StoryReporterBuilder.Format.STATS as default format. To change/
/         * the default formats the user can override the method:/
/ *//
/public StoryReporterBuilder withDefaultFormats() {/
/  return withFormats(Format.CONSOLE);/
/        }/
/    };/
/    public InjectableStepsFactory stepsFactory(){/
/return new InstanceStepsFactory(configuration(), new classes .... );/
/    }/
/protected abstract List<String> storyPaths();/

Any idea how to overcome the issue ?

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