Hi All, It might be a duplicate but I am not able to figure out why the 
GivenStories is not executing.

I have a story *Login.story* as below 



*Scenario: KYC user login*
*Meta: @id login*
*Given the user is on the ubo login page*
*When the user login as a kyc user*

I am trying to execute this story inside the another story *Design.story*



As a user
I want to perform an action
So that I can achieve a business goal

GivenStories: stories/kyc/Login.story

Scenario: Run design
When the user opens legal entity <fid>
When the user clicks on the ownership tab
And the user clicks on the subsidiaries tab
Then the user should see the list of direct owners ordered by percentage 
ownership then asc by legal title for the selected institution in the 
owners page


After running I am not seeing the Login.story executed. Please help

Here is the folder structure - 

- resources
 - stories
 | - kyc
  | |- Login.story
  - Design.story

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