I am new to JBehave, but very familiar with BDD concepts and would like to 
try to follow them on a new batch-oriented system we are starting 
development on. I'm on the development side, but our "QA team" is 
responsible for all automated testing (yeah I know right away that's a 
contradiction wrt BDD). They are experienced in JBehave but they are really 
only trying to use it as an automated testing tool, and I'm trying to 
convince them that the natural language features allow for much more. 
(Since we are developing a batch-oriented system, with files as input and 
files as output, they want to write one JBehave scenario which takes their 
big input file, processes it, then compares the output files against 
expectations. But the scenarios are therefore not human-readable, so it 
seems we are getting very little benefit from using JBehave.)

Does anyone have experience in testing batch-oriented systems in JBehave? 
It seems like tests normally execute sequentially, but this poses a problem 
for a batch system that is not designed for good performance in processing 
a single transaction. Therefore, I think we should be building up a "batch" 
of small tests in which each scenario generates a transaction then all the 
transactions are pulled together into a single input file. The input file 
is processed, then the results are gathered. We have a single unique key on 
each transaction so it is easy to match up results to inputs, and compare 
expected vs. actual values. So now we have to go back to our original 
scenarios to compare the "THEN" clauses on each one and report results.

Can it work in JBehave? Or is there a better way to do this? Thanks.

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