As opposed to the current Configuration Service that already pases the MLet
semantics to XML???



|-----Original Message-----
|[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
|Lemoine David-dlemoi01
|Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 11:05 AM
|Subject: RE: [JBoss-dev] Custom startup solved !? was: Nested JMX
|Service Groups...??!
|Whatever solution you decide on for this problem, I think it could
|be a good idea to replace the current MLet MBean-loader with
|Stacy's XML-based XMLet.
|Just my 2 irish cents,
|-----Original Message-----
|From: Stacy Curl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: 11 April 2001 15:33
|Subject: RE: [JBoss-dev] Custom startup solved !? was: Nested JMX
|Service Groups...??!
|Ok, sorry for the misunderstanding. I think that putting extra methods onto
|JBoss MBeans is one technique, but this is an example of meta-data. I think
|a better technique would be to do something like:
|// My XML is rusty
|<xmlet code="JBossService">
|  <meta-data>
|    &JbossServiceEntry;
|    <!-- No life cycle, default to JBoss Service lifecycle -->
|  </meta-data>
|<xmlet code="JettyMBean">
|  <meta-data>
|    <!-- No JBossServiceEntry, will not be managed by ServiceControl -->
|    &JettyEntry;
|  </meta-data>
|<xmlet code="FlibbleMBean">
|  <meta-data>
|    &JbossServiceEntry;
|    &FlibbleLifeCycleEntry;
|  </meta-data>
|where JBossServiceEntry is:
|<!ENTITY name="JBossServiceEntry"
|    <entry>
|      <key><param class="java.lang.String">JBossService</param></key>
|      <value><param class="boolean">true</param></value>
|    </entry>
|  ]]>
|<!ENTITY name="FlibbleLifeCycleEntry"
|      <entry>
|        <key>
|          <param class="java.lang.String">life-cycle-start</param>
|        </key>
|        <value>
|          <param class="MethodSignature[]">
|            <param class="MethodSignature">
|              <param class="java.lang.String">init</param>
|            </param>
|            <param class="MethodSignature">
|              <param class="java.lang.String">start</param>
|            </param>
|          </param>
|        </value>
|      </entry>
|  ]]>
|This moves the burden from MBean's to the config, and it gives you the
|ability to change what is considered to be a JBossService without changing
|-----Original Message-----
|From: Julian Gosnell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: 11 April 2001 12:00
|Subject: RE: [JBoss-dev] Custom startup solved !? was: Nested JMX
|Service Groups...??!
|I like your idea of abstracting the lifecycle mapping.
|However, as I understand your description here, it
|still does not address my problem.
|You suggest that in the absence of valid metadata, you
|would assume the default lifecycle (I assume you mean
|default JBoss Service lifecycle).
|The problem is that not all MBeans that may wish to
|publish their interface via the JBoss JMX agent
|necessarily want their lifecycle managed by
|ServiceControl. They may not be a Service.
|I suggest that the default behaviour should be _NOT_
|to assume that every registered MBean is a Service.
|Services should publish a method - e.g.
|isAJBossService(), which can be looked for by
|ServiceControl. This could be added to Service,
|implemented in MBeanServiceSupport etc, bringing most
|MBeans used in JBoss into the fold.
|3rd party MBeans developed outside JBoss, but finding
|themselves running inside JBoss would then be free to
|share the JBoss JMX Agent, without fear of being
|tampered with by ServiceControl.
|I am asking for a clear division between JMX and JBoss
|Services. JBoss Services may be MBeans, but not all
|MBeans are JBoss Services.
|I hope this makes sense,
|--- Stacy Curl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
|> I think that having an abstract life cycle of: init,
|> start, ping, stop,
|> destroy
|> is ok, but constraining MBeans to implement init(),
|> start(), ping(), stop(),
|> destroy()
|> methods is not ok. So I think replacing a service is
|> a mistake but
|> abstracting parts
|> of it isn't. So the ServiceControl would continue to
|> listen for registration
|> of MBeans
|> and be responsible for doing init, etc but would
|> first obtain the actual
|> methods to
|> call from the MetaDataService, in the absence of any
|> life-cycle meta-data
|> the ServiceControl
|> would default to the standard methods, at present
|> there are work arounds
|> such as catching
|> ReflectionExceptions after invoking 'start' and
|> assuming (rightly or
|> wrongly) that this means
|> the MBean doesn't have a start method.
|> I think that ServiceControl doesn't manage
|> dependancies, it just aggregates
|> MBeans. The dependancies
|> seem to be implicit in the order in the MLet
|> resource file. This is ok if
|> you want to start/stop all
|> the mbeans but not if you want to start/stop a
|> subset. I think we should be
|> following the style in ant
|> and do something like:
|> <mlet name="really-important/>
|> //...
|> <mlet name="not-important"
|> depends="really-important"/>
|> -----Original Message-----
|> From: Scott M Stark
|> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|> Sent: 10 April 2001 23:57
|> Subject: Re: [JBoss-dev] Custom startup solved !?
|> was: Nested JMX
|> Service Groups...??!
|> Are you talking about a new service that replaces
|> org.jboss.util.ServiceControl or
|> a new service? The ServiceControl MBean that manages
|> service lifecyle also
|> manages service dependencies and the invocation of
|> init() and start() are
|> distinct
|> phases. When start is called on a service you know
|> that every service has
|> received an init() and every service you depend on
|> has received a start().
|> ----- Original Message -----
|> From: "Stacy Curl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
|> "'Julian Gosnell'"
|> Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2001 2:09 PM
|> Subject: RE: [JBoss-dev] Custom startup solved !?
|> was: Nested JMX Service
|> Groups...??!
|> > I think that the JBoss inspired life-cycle is too
|> restrictive, I'd
|> > like to be able to define life-cycle schemas in
|> the XMLet resource
|> > file, or in another XML file. An XMLet version
|> might look something
|> > like:
|> >
|> > <xmlets>
|> >   <xmlet
|> code="com.sun.jdmk.comm.HtmlAdaptorServer"
|> >          archive="jmxtools.jar"
|> >
|> name="DefaultDomain:name=HtmlAdaptorServer">
|> >     <meta-data>
|> >       <life-cycle>
|> >         <start>
|> >           <method name="init"/>
|> >           <method name="start"/>
|> >         </start>
|> >         <stop>
|> >           <method name="stop"/>
|> >           <method name="destroy"/>
|> >         </stop>
|> >         <ping>
|> >           <method name="ping">
|> >             <input>
|> >               <!-- timeout -->
|> >               <param class="long">500</param>
|> >             </input>
|> >             <desired-output>
|> >               <param class="boolean">true</param>
|> >             </desired-output>
|> >           </method>
|> >         </ping>
|> >       </life-cycle>
|> >     </meta-data>
|> >     <arg type="int" value="8082"/>
|> >   </xmlet>
|> > </xmlets>
|> >
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