You don't have to put the EJB classes into the WEB-INF/classes directory for
servlets to be able access them. They have to be there for jsp pages that access
the beans because the jasper compiler was is only given the WEB-INF/classes

Do you have a non-jsp example that requires WEB-INF/classes ?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dewayne McNair" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "jboss-dev" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2001 11:51 PM
Subject: [JBoss-dev] Fw: [JBoss-user] Tomcat-JBoss ClassNotFoundException (again)

> I'm back to thinking there is definitely a bug in the Tomcat integration.
> My understanding is that all of the ClassLoaders are supposed to be chained
> together, right?   When Tomcat runs a servlet, it should have a CL chain of:
>      The default JBoss ClassLoader
>            --> URLClassLoader (jars referenced from the manifest in the ejb
> jars)
>                     --> AdaptiveClassLoader (contains WEB-INF/classes,
> WEB-INF/lib/*)
> So, if that's the case, we should be able to put classes anywhere on that
> chain and have Tomcat find them -- but, it seems like you have to put
> classes in both WEB-INF and in the ejb-jar ... that can't be right.
> AdaptiveClassLoader looks like it correctly calls up the chain, but, for
> some reason, this isn't working like it should.
> org.jboss.tomcat.ContextClassLoaderInterceptor is mucking around with
> Tomcat's classloader hierarchy.   org.jboss.tomcat.naming.JbossWebXmlReader
> is also mucking with the classloader and I'm not so sure it should be.
> Does anyone have any insight into this?  I've been trying to track this
> down, but can't seem to make any progress.
> -- Dewayne

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