When Verifying EJBs deployed the Verifier checks for RMI types in the return values and in the arguments and ensures that an RMIException is thrown by the method itself. Do we also want to add a clause to check if the class itself [only for the Remote Interface class] is a valid RMI type?
For instance if I accidentally specified that a method in my 'REMOTE' interface throws EJBException, the Verfier comes up with an excpetion
Bean   : ItemizedCallEntity
Method : public abstract ItemizedCallEntityRemote findByPrimaryKey(ItemizedCallEntityPK) throws RemoteException, FinderException
Section: 9.2.8
Warning: The method return values in the home interface must be of valid types for RMI/IIOP.
The reason being that EJBException is not a valid RMI Exception type [??]. Well, that is well and fine. What is a bit confusing is why the Verifier does not check if the RemoteInterface itself is a valid RMI type or not? Obviously, the verfyEntityRemote and verifySessionRemote methods should check if the REMOTE class is a valid RMI type so that it is specified explicitly an error by the Verifier!

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