
> > Bill Burke wrote:
> > It's not this same.  Basically you have a loop to check to see if the
> > transaction has been commited or unlocked, but you put a wait of 5
> > in there. After the 5 seconds if you're still not locked loop again.

> Dan Christopherson:
> I don't understand what is different between the two. Are you saying to
> have only one place where we wait? If so I agree.

one place for the wait sounds good, not having to notify sounds good
(to me, as I still can't imagine where to place notify), but waiting
5 seconds sounds very bad (as Vinay already said: your clients
would go shopping elsewhere!) compared to the load tests showing
90ms response time without concurrency. And I'm sure response time
can be lower than 30ms with not so large tables and other DB systems
and read only access (my preleminary tests with MySQL, small tables,
isModify() implemented, BMP, access read only via a Servlet has
<20ms processing time for the doGet() method).

>From Bills pseudo code I can't imagine where exactly to wait and on
which object; Dan said it already, wait on the Interceptor will
affect every access to the entity; wait inbetween mutex.aquire()
and mutex.release() would block access to the interceptor totally.

If Dan's idea to wait on the mutex turns out to be right, we had
that one place for the wait too (same place as in my first attempt!?)
but we surely need notify for cases where i.e. only two clients
attempt concurrent access and response times are near 10ms.
Where to put that damn notify(), please, somebody teach me!

> > Bill:
> > OT, how does transaction timeout destroy the thread?  TIA.

OT, TIA, hugh?

Do you mean my DEADLOCKTIMEOUT, if so, then when the EJBException
reaches thread.run() it should terminate.

Do you mean a transaction timeout somewhere else? If so, in my
case, where I once recognized the LOCKING-WAITING repeating message
the first time, there was no transaction timeout at all ...
but this might be due to the fact that JBoss died after eating
up ALL of my 5 GByte of disk space by filling my server.log with
millions of identical messages within few minutes.

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