User: mnf999  
  Date: 01/06/15 15:52:35

  Modified:    .        cvs.jsp
  new links
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.3       +65 -64    newsite/cvs.jsp
  Index: cvs.jsp
  RCS file: /cvsroot/jboss/newsite/cvs.jsp,v
  retrieving revision 1.2
  retrieving revision 1.3
  diff -u -r1.2 -r1.3
  --- cvs.jsp   2001/06/15 15:51:56     1.2
  +++ cvs.jsp   2001/06/15 22:52:35     1.3
  @@ -1,64 +1,65 @@
  -<jsp:include page="head.jsp" flush="true" />
  -<jsp:include page="slogan.jsp" flush="true" >
  - <jsp:param name="SLOGAN" value="SOURCE CODE AND CVS"/>
  -             <!-- CONTENT -->
  -     <p class="head">JBOSS IS DEVELOPED PUBLICLY
  -     <p class="text">JBoss is a free implementation of the J2EE interfaces from 
SUN.  Our code is co-developed and the source is freely available. You 
  -              can either get the code in a zip format to browse it or, if you 
  -              plan on working with the source tree, you can set up a 
  -              on your machine.
  -     <p class="text">We thank for hosting our CVS. <A 
href="";> <IMG 
src=""; width="88" height="31" 
border="0" alt="SourceForge Logo"></A>            
  -    <p class="head">SOURCE CODE
  -    <p class="text"><a class="link" 
href="";><font face="Myriad 
Web,Arial"><b>Browse the source on-line</b></font></a>
  -                     <br>Download a daily updated <a  class="link" 
href="/zip_archives/">snapshot of the sources</a> (ZIP archive)
  -    <p class="head">CVS ENVIRONMENT
  -     <p class="text">To browse the source tree you <b>will need a CVS client</b>. 
If you don't have one already installed on your machine you can download <a 
class="link" href="";>jCVS</a>, the CVS client in java. jCVS will 
work on any platform including Linux. However we recommend the native Linux tools or 
try <a class="link" href="";>winCVS</a> if you are based on a 
win32 platform.
  -     <p><b>Settings for anonymous browsing:</b></p>
  -     <p>CVSROOT is <br>
  -    :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot/jboss
  -     <br>password is blank (type enter)</p>
  -        <p><b>Settings for developer access:</b></p>
  -         <p>You have to use SSH:<br>
  -         export CVS_RSH=ssh </p>
  -         <p>CVSROOT is <br>
  -    :ext:&lt;sourceforge ID&gt;</p>
  -    <p>For further explanations see <a 
href="";>instructions</a> at sourceforge</p>
  -     <p class="head">MODULES
  -     <p class="text">The following modules are available for browsing:</p>
  -                                                             <ul>
<li><b>jboss</b>:&nbsp;the main jboss tree
<li><b>jbosssx</b>:&nbsp;the default security implementation
<li><b>contrib</b>: 3rd party contribution to jboss
<li><b>jbosstest</b>: the testsuite for jboss
<li><b>zoap</b>: an alternative SOAP&nbsp;based invocation
<li><b>ejx</b>: the gui front end of jboss
<li><b>jnp</b>:&nbsp;the JNDI&nbsp;implementation
<li><b>zola</b>: the application model 
<li><b>jbossmq</b>: the JMS implementation
<li><b>jbosscx</b>: the JCA implementation
<li><b>jbosspool</b>: generic object pool. A fork from Aaron Mulder's Minerva
<li><b>jboss-j2ee</b>: J2EE core classes
<li><b>manual</b>: JBoss manual
  -                                                             </ul>
  -     <p class="head">CVS Administration Polcies 
  -     <p class="text">For our policies on CVS versioning and branching see: <a 
href="CVSAdmin.html">CVS Admin</a>.
  -     <p class="head">More information on Build and Source 
  -     <p class="text">What is Ant?Ant is a Java based build tool. In theory it is 
kind of like make without makes wrinkles.
  -     <p class="text">Why? Why another build tool when there is already make, 
gnumake, nmake, jam, and others? Because, they are limited to the OS, or at least the 
OS type such as Unix, that you are working on. Makefiles are inherently evil as well. 
  -     <p class="text">Ant is different. Instead a model where it is extended with 
shell based commands, it is extended using Java classes. Instead of writing shell 
commands, the configuration files are XML based calling out a target tree where 
various tasks get executed. Each task is run by an object which implements a 
particular Task interface. Granted, this removes some of the expressive power that is 
inherent by being able to construct a shell command such as `find . -name foo -exec rm 
{}` but it gives you the ability to be cross platform. To work anywhere and 
everywhere. And hey, if you really need to execute a shell command, Ant has an exec 
rule that allows different commands to be executed based on the OS that it is 
executing on. 
  -     <p><a class="link" 
  -     <p class="head">WHAT IS CVS (Concurrent Versions System) ?
  -    <p class="text">CVS is a version control system. It is used to record the 
history of your source files. Bugs can creep in when software is modified, and may not 
be detected until a long time after the modification is made. With CVS, you can 
retrieve old versions to find which change caused the bug. 
  -     <p class="text">CVS can also help when a project is being worked on by 
multiple people, where overwriting each others changes is easy to do.CVS solves this 
problem by having each developer work in his/her own directory and then instructing 
CVS to merge the work when each developer is done. 
  -     <p class="text"><a class="link" 
href="";>more doc </a><br>
  -<jsp:include page="navigation.jsp" flush="true" />
  +<jsp:include page="head.jsp" flush="true" />
  +<jsp:include page="slogan.jsp" flush="true" >
  + <jsp:param name="SLOGAN" value="SOURCE CODE AND CVS"/>
  +             <!-- CONTENT -->
  +     <p class="head">JBOSS IS DEVELOPED PUBLICLY
  +     <p class="text">JBoss is a free implementation of the J2EE interfaces from 
SUN.  Our code is co-developed and the source is freely available. You 
  +              can either get the code in a zip format to browse it or, if you 
  +              plan on working with the source tree, you can set up a 
  +              on your machine.
  +     <p class="text">We thank for hosting our CVS. <A 
href="";> <IMG 
src=""; width="88" height="31" 
border="0" alt="SourceForge Logo"></A>            
  +    <p class="head">SOURCE CODE
  +    <p class="text"><a class="link" 
href="";><font face="Myriad 
Web,Arial"><b>Browse the source on-line</b></font></a>
  +                     <br>Download a daily updated <a  class="link" 
href="/zip_archives/">snapshot of the sources</a> (ZIP archive)
  +    <p class="head">CVS ENVIRONMENT
  +     <p class="text">To browse the source tree you <b>will need a CVS client</b>. 
If you don't have one already installed on your machine you can download <a 
class="link" href="";>jCVS</a>, the CVS client in java. jCVS will 
work on any platform including Linux. However we recommend the native Linux tools or 
try <a class="link" href="";>winCVS</a> if you are based on a 
win32 platform.
  +     <p><b>Settings for anonymous browsing:</b></p>
  +     <p>CVSROOT is <br>
  +    :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot/jboss
  +     <br>password is blank (type enter)</p>
  +        <p><b>Settings for developer access:</b></p>
  +         <p>You have to use SSH:<br>
  +         export CVS_RSH=ssh </p>
  +         <p>CVSROOT is <br>
  +    :ext:&lt;sourceforge ID&gt;</p>
  +    <p>For further explanations see <a 
href="";>instructions</a> at sourceforge</p>
  +     <p class="head">MODULES
  +     <p class="text">The following modules are available for browsing:</p>
  +                                                             <ul>
<li><b>jboss</b>:&nbsp;the main jboss tree
<li><b>jbosssx</b>:&nbsp;the default security implementation
<li><b>contrib</b>: 3rd party contribution to jboss
<li><b>jbosstest</b>: the testsuite for jboss
<li><b>zoap</b>: an alternative SOAP&nbsp;based invocation
<li><b>ejx</b>: the gui front end of jboss
<li><b>jnp</b>:&nbsp;the JNDI&nbsp;implementation
<li><b>zola</b>: the application model 
<li><b>jbossmq</b>: the JMS implementation
<li><b>jbosscx</b>: the JCA implementation
<li><b>jbosspool</b>: generic object pool. A fork from Aaron Mulder's Minerva
<li><b>jboss-j2ee</b>: J2EE core classes
<li><b>manual</b>: JBoss manual
  +                                                             </ul>
  +     <p class="head">CVS Administration Polcies 
  +<p class="text">For our policies on CVS versioning and branching see: <a 
  +  Admin</a>. 
  +<p class="head">More information on Build and Source 
  +     <p class="text">What is Ant?Ant is a Java based build tool. In theory it is 
kind of like make without makes wrinkles.
  +     <p class="text">Why? Why another build tool when there is already make, 
gnumake, nmake, jam, and others? Because, they are limited to the OS, or at least the 
OS type such as Unix, that you are working on. Makefiles are inherently evil as well. 
  +     <p class="text">Ant is different. Instead a model where it is extended with 
shell based commands, it is extended using Java classes. Instead of writing shell 
commands, the configuration files are XML based calling out a target tree where 
various tasks get executed. Each task is run by an object which implements a 
particular Task interface. Granted, this removes some of the expressive power that is 
inherent by being able to construct a shell command such as `find . -name foo -exec rm 
{}` but it gives you the ability to be cross platform. To work anywhere and 
everywhere. And hey, if you really need to execute a shell command, Ant has an exec 
rule that allows different commands to be executed based on the OS that it is 
executing on. 
  +     <p><a class="link" 
  +     <p class="head">WHAT IS CVS (Concurrent Versions System) ?
  +    <p class="text">CVS is a version control system. It is used to record the 
history of your source files. Bugs can creep in when software is modified, and may not 
be detected until a long time after the modification is made. With CVS, you can 
retrieve old versions to find which change caused the bug. 
  +     <p class="text">CVS can also help when a project is being worked on by 
multiple people, where overwriting each others changes is easy to do.CVS solves this 
problem by having each developer work in his/her own directory and then instructing 
CVS to merge the work when each developer is done. 
  +     <p class="text"><a class="link" 
href="";>more doc </a><br>
  +<jsp:include page="navigation.jsp" flush="true" />

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