User: mnf999  
  Date: 01/06/15 15:58:06

  Added:       .        ECPerf.html migration.jsp
  Adding the new files
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1                  newsite/ECPerf.html
  Index: ECPerf.html
  <h1>HowTo: Running ECperf on JBoss</h1>
  <p>ECperf is a standard test application for J2EE servers.
  <p>This page is preliminary documentation of a Work in Process.
  <p>We expect to have JBoss running ECperf by May 1, 2001, June 1 at the latest.
  <p>Please post your experiences with ECperf and JBoss to the jboss-user mailing list.
  <h2>Installation & Configuration</h2>
  <h3><a NAME="ecperf1">Download ECperf</a></h3>
  <p>You can get the test from
        <a HREF="";>Sun's ECperf Download 
Page</a>.  Download it and unpack it anywhere.  The root directory is referred to 
below as $ECPERF_HOME.
  <h3><a NAME="ecperf2">Download the JBoss ECperf patch file</a></h3>
  <p>The patch currently contains:</p>
  <li>Tools to build Cloudscape Database
  <li>JBoss deployment descriptors
  <li>Contributed ANT build and JRun deployment
      <p>The patch is currently available from <a 
      <p>Copy the patch file to a temporary directory and unzip it.  The patch
  contains a zip file.  Unzip the file in your $ECPERF_HOME directory. 
  1.1                  newsite/migration.jsp
  Index: migration.jsp
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  <jsp:include page="slogan.jsp" flush="true" >
   <jsp:param name="SLOGAN" value="JBOSS MIGRATION GUIDE"/>
                <!-- CONTENT -->
  <p class="head"><b>GENERAL STRATEGY</b>
  <p class="text">Do not erase your old JBoss installation before you
  have the new one up and running with your application. Is also a good
  thing to make new
  backups of all the files you love before you start to upgrade :-).</p>
  <p class="text">
  You could try using your old configuration files, changing some values
  and adding all the needed new configuration values. But in most cases it
  is better to start with the new configuration files that ship with the
  distribution and reapply your changes to these files.</p>
  <p class="text">The following step should be taken for <b>every upgrade</b>
  of the JBoss server:
  <ul class="text">
  <li>On the side of the client you need to replace the jars you copied
  from the JBoss distribution. Replace these jars with the new versions
  of these jars. The new versions of the jars can be found in the client/ directory of 
  <p class="head"><b>MIGRATION FROM 2.0 TO 2.2</b>
  <ul class="text">
    <li>For converting your <b>JDBC datasource</b> configuration read the section 
      "Upgrading from JBoss 2.0 FINAL" in the JDBC chapter of the <a
  href="doco_files/jaws.dtd">manual</a> please.</li>
  <li>If you provided a <b>jboss.xml</b> file with your jar you should change the
  value of <em>&lt;container-invoker&gt;</em> to
  <em>org.jboss.ejb.plugins.jrmp.server.JRMPContainerInvoker</em> . It is no
  longer needed to select jrmp12 or jrmp13 since JBoss should
  select the correct version for you automatically.</li>
  <li>There are more jar archives for the <b>client side</b> now. At
  least you need to copy the following archives and include them
  into the CLASSPATH at the client side: <em>jboss-client.jar, jbosssx-client.jar</em> 
and <em>jnp-client.jar</em>. Depending on what functionality
  you use in your client you may need to include additional archives from
  the <em>jboss/client/</em> directory.</li>
  <p class="head"><b>MIGRATION FROM PRE2.1 TO 2.2</b>
  <ul class="text">
  <li>If you were using <b>message driven beans</b> (MDB) you should change <br>
  <em>&lt;jms-message-selector&gt; &lt;/jms-message-selector&gt;</em> to 
<em>&lt;message-selector&gt; &lt;/message-selector&gt;</em><br>
  and <br>
  <em>&lt;jms-destination-type&gt; &lt;/jms-destination-type&gt;</em> to 
<em>&lt;destination-type&gt; &lt;/destination-type&gt;</em><br>
  (by Torsten Terp)</li>
  <p class="head"><b>MIGRATION FROM 2.2 TO 2.2.1</b>
  <ul class="text">
                  <li>If you were using <b>CastorJDO</b> module, you should get 
                    the <a href="castorjdo/jboss-castorjdo.jar">new version of 
                    it</a> and move its configuration from <em>jboss.conf</em> to 
                    <em>jboss.jcml</em>. See detailed descripion of the configuraton 
                    <a href="jboss-castor.jsp">here</a> (a tip: the order and 
                    the meaning of parameters wasn't changed). 
  <p class="head"><b>PLEASE HELP</b>
                <p class="text">At the moment these instructions are far away from 
                  being complete. Please send a detailed description of the steps 
                  which are not yet included here but which you needed to take for 
                  your migration to one of the <a href="lists.jsp">JBoss mailing 
                  lists</a>. Use a subject like "Migration from 2.x to 2.y" and 
                  send it either to JBOSS-USER or JBOSS-DOCS. Your contribution 
                  will then be added to these instructions. Thank you. 
  <jsp:include page="navigation.jsp" flush="true" />

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