I am trying against JBoss 2.4 BETA [as it says when it starts up] and the
bean is a CMP bean. I have tried all 4 commit options and have debug
statements in the StoreEntityCommand to detect cases where the ROWID is
coming thru as a null as

            System.out.println(" -- Stable RowID is "+
stableRowIdColumnValue +" -- ");
            if(stableRowIdColumnValue == null)
                System.out.println(" --- Oops! The Row ID is NULL ---  ");
                System.out.println(" --- Regenrate SQL and call
setParameters again ---  ");

                String sql = makeSQL(argOrArgs,true);
                stmt = stmt.getConnection().prepareStatement(sql);

And that portion of the code has never executed! Let me try  tracking the
transactions at play and get back to you.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Georg Rehfeld" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2001 3:37 AM
Subject: Re: [JBoss-dev] ROWID Based Update: Load Entity Before Store Entity

> Hi Vinay, hi all,
> Vinay:
> >>> This basically means that even within the same transaction the
> >>> rowid will be updated if the client attempts to do an update
> >>> [or delete].
> >>> Do we now need to check for rowid being null and falling back
> >>> to the primary key if it is not? I had written some code for
> >>> this and was surprised that it was never being called.
> Georg:
> >> Which commit option was set for your entity bean? If it were B
> >> or C, it's clear, that the instance is loaded within a TX, but
> >> with A and with B (outside TX) the load should NOT happen, thus
> >> the check for a null rowidValue would be better.
> Vinay:
> > Nope! That is what I thought as well. The bean *is* being loaded
> > even with commit options A and B, for the same operation with the
> > transactions settings remaining the same.
> If you are right, I would consider it a bug, rendering commit
> option A and B useless, which promise bean caching. And I checked
> against binary JBoss 2.2.1, BMP, commit option A and Requires:
> DEFINITELY the sequence of calls when creating an Entity bean is
> TX 1
>  | - setEntityContext()
>  | - ejbCreate()
>  | - ejbPostCreate()
> TX 2
>  | - <getter method>
>  | - <setter method>
>  | - ejbStore()
> As you see, there is NO ejbLoad() between ejbPostCreate() and
> the business methods, in fact ejbLoad() on this bean is NEVER
> called, except after passivation/reactivation, as expected.
> This same behaviour should be seen also with CMP!
> If this behaviour has changed with the current CVS JBoss there
> must be some problem been introduced.
> regards
> Georg
>  ___   ___
> | + | |__    Georg Rehfeld      Woltmanstr. 12     20097 Hamburg
> |_|_\ |___   [EMAIL PROTECTED]           +49 (40) 23 53 27 10
> PS: Sorry, I just can't test with the CVS version.
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