On Tue, Jun 19, 2001 at 07:55:05PM -0700, Jason Dillon wrote:
> Hello, I ran into a problem with ConnectionFactoryLoader
> PrincipalMappingProperties was not set or when it was set like this:
> <attribute name="PrincipalMappingProperties"></attribute>
> This would cause the princMapProps to remain a null, and cause a
> NullPointerException when loading.  I set it to default to "" which fixes
> this problem.

Fair enough.  I think I did domething similar for another attribute a
while back.

> I am sending this because I am not really sure what the procedure is for
> updating the jbosscx-*.jar in the jboss module.  There is some versioning
> there and I am not really sure if that should change or not.

Ah, yes.  The version number really shouldn't be there, I've decided (or
been persuaded).  If you want to replace the versioned jar with just plain
jbosscx.jar I'd be grateful.

> Anyways, the change is small and if folks set PrincipalMappingProperties to
> a non-null or something with a new line it will work fine.
> I am currious if the ConfigurationService should be modified to deal with
> this.  I think so, but I am not 100% sure.  It seems to me that if there is
> an <attribute/> in jboss.jcml that the service should call the setter even
> if the value is "".
> Currently if the value is "", the attribute's setter will not be called.

It seems like a good idea to call the setter even if the value is the
empty string, like you say.

> Should I update the jbosscx-*.jar in jboss or leave it for the name major
> integration?

Get rid of the version number.  Make sure that the CVS tags are in synch
between the jboss and jbosscx modules.  Whenever you update the
jbosscx.jar in jboss, there should be a tag in both modules so that
you can always obtain the jbosscx source from which the jbosscx.jar was


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