User: ibruell 
  Date: 01/07/12 15:51:25

  Modified:    src/docs jbossdocs.xml
  Added:       src/docs howtoejbdoclet.xml
  added my first snapshot of a sjbdoclet howto
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.21      +4 -2      manual/src/docs/jbossdocs.xml
  Index: jbossdocs.xml
  RCS file: /cvsroot/jboss/manual/src/docs/jbossdocs.xml,v
  retrieving revision 1.20
  retrieving revision 1.21
  diff -u -r1.20 -r1.21
  --- jbossdocs.xml     2001/07/07 21:56:57     1.20
  +++ jbossdocs.xml     2001/07/12 22:51:24     1.21
  @@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
        <!ENTITY howtovisualagedebug.xml SYSTEM "howtovisualagedebug.xml">
        <!ENTITY howto_webcontainer.xml SYSTEM "howto_webcontainer.xml">
        <!ENTITY webconfig.xml SYSTEM "webconfig.xml">
  +     <!ENTITY howtoejbdoclet.xml SYSTEM "howtoejbdoclet.xml">
  @@ -53,7 +54,7 @@
  -     </author>       
  +     </author>
                <email>[EMAIL PROTECTED]</email>
  @@ -76,7 +77,7 @@
  @@ -88,5 +89,6 @@
  1.1                  manual/src/docs/howtoejbdoclet.xml
  Index: howtoejbdoclet.xml
  <?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>
  <!-- brief howto for using ejbdoclet -->
  <section id="howtoejbdoclet">
    <title>How to use EJBDoclet</title>
    <subtitle>In work(!)</subtitle>
        <email>[EMAIL PROTECTED]</email>
      EJBDoclet is a tool, that makes coding of Enterprise JavaBeans much easier. You 
      have to code <emphasis>one</emphasis> file to generate automaticly the needed
      Interfaces and descriptor files. With the usage of <filename>ant</filename>
      and the <filename>verifier</filename> it is very easy to produce correct Beans.
      EJBDoclet is a OpenSource project initiated by Rickard Oberg which stays at
      <ulink url="";></ulink>.
    <section id="ejbdoclet-requirements">
        You only need to download the ejbdoclet.jar and put it somwhere in you 
classpath. I
        think the usage of ant is very recommend (and for now the only way to use
    <section id="ejbdoclet-createingthebean">
      <title>Creating the Bean as a Template</title>
        EJBDoclet uses JavaDoc Tags and the JavaDoc mechanism to generate the needed 
        out of the "template". Here is an example of an Entity Bean class section:
   *   This is an account bean. It is an example of how to use the EJBDoclet tags.
   *   @ejb:entity-cmp <co id="entity-cmp"/>
   *   @ejb:ejb-name bank/Account
   *   @ejb:jndi-name ejb/bank/Account
   *   @ejb:finder Collection findAll() <co id="finder"/>
   *   @ejb:finder Collection findByOwner(Customer owner)
   *   @ejb:finder Collection findLargeAccounts(int balance)
   *   @ejb:env-entry foo 1234 java.lang.Integer <co id="envvar"/>
   *   @ejb:ejb-ref bank/Customer <co id="ref"/>
   *   @ejb:security-role-ref admin Administrator
   *   @ejb:permission Teller
   *   @ejb:transaction Required
   *   @ejb:use-soft-locking
   *   JBoss specific <co id="jboss"/>
   *   @jboss:container-configuration Standard CMP EntityBean
   *   JBoss/JAWS CMP specific <co id="jaws"/>
   *   @jboss:table-name account
   *   @jboss:create-table true
   *   @jboss:remove-table true
   *   @jboss:tuned-updates true
   *   @jboss:read-only false
   *   @jboss:finder-query findLargeAccounts $1 &gt; 1000
   *   @jboss:finder-order findLargeAccounts balance
  public abstract class AccountBean
          <callout arearefs="entity-cmp">
              Here is specified that this would be an Entity Bean
          <callout arearefs="finder">
              Defining the finder methods
          <callout arearefs="envvar">
              Easy define envelope vars
          <callout arearefs="ref">
              Define references to other beans
          <callout arearefs="jboss">
              With these tags you could specify JBoss specific parameters (see 
EJBDoclet docu
              for more details about the tags).
          <callout arearefs="jaws">
              And here you could define JAWS specific parameters (see EJBDoclet docu
              for more details about the tags).
        How you can see it is very easy to create the Beanclass. The JBoss and JAWS 
        part should only be used, if the standard values of JBoss not fit.
        Now you need to define the method level tags like this:
      * Create account.
      * @ejb:permission Administrator <co id="permission"/>
     public AccountPK ejbCreate(AccountData data)
        throws CreateException
        return null;
      * Id of this account.
      * This is not remote since the primary key can be extracted by other means.
      * @ejb:pk-field <co id="pk"/>
      * @ejb:persistent-field
      * @jboss:column-name pk
     public abstract int getId();
      * Id of this account.
     public abstract void setId(int id);
      *  Owner of this account.
      * @ejb:remote-method <co id="remote"/>
      * @ejb:persistent-field <co id="persistent"/>
      * @ejb:permission Administrator
      * @ejb:transaction Supports
     public abstract Customer getOwner();
      *  Owner of this account.
     public abstract void setOwner(Customer owner);
          <callout arearefs="permission">
              With this tag permissions could be defined at method level
          <callout arearefs="pk">
              With @ejb:pk-field a primary key field is defined
          <callout arearefs="remote">
              @ejb:remote-method defines a remote method
          <callout arearefs="persistent">
              And @ejb:persistent-field defines an attribute that should be stored
    <section id="ejbdoclet-calling">
      <title>Calling EJBDoclet</title>
        For now there is no way to use EJBDoclet without ant, however.
    <section id="ejbdoclet-ant">
      <title>Using EJBDoclet with ant</title>
        To use ant you must download it from the <ulink url="">Apache
        Jakarta project</ulink>. For EJBDoclet only the ant.jar is needed.
        I prefer a project directory structure like the one JBoss uses:
          .  +-[...]
          .  +-[...]
          .  +-ant.jar
          .  +-ejbdoclet.jar
          .  +-[...]
          .  +-resources
          .  .  +-test
          .  .  .  +-META-INF
          .  +-main
          .  .  +-test
          .  .  .  +-ejb
          .  .  .  .
          .  .  .  .
        Here my ant script (build.xml)that generates the beans interfaces and the 
        and after that it compiles the java files and package them into a jar file:
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
        $Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 2001/07/12 22:51:24 $ $Author: ibruell $
  <project name="test" default="main" basedir="../..">
     <target name="init">
        <property name="Name" value="TEST"/>
        <property name="name" value="test"/>
        <property name="version" value="1.0"/>
        <property name="encoding" value="ISO-8859-1"/>
        <property name="typemapping" value="Hypersonic SQL"/>
        <property name="datasource" value="java:/DefaultDS"/>
        <property name="src.dir" value="${basedir}/src/main"/>
        <property name="src.resources" value="${basedir}/src/resources"/>
        <property name="etc.dir" value="${basedir}/src/etc"/>
        <property name="lib.dir" value="${basedir}/lib"/>
        <property name="build.dir" value="${basedir}/build"/>
        <property name="build.lib.dir" value="${basedir}/build/lib"/>
        <property name="build.deploy.dir" value="${basedir}/build/deploy"/>
        <property name="build.classes.dir" value="${basedir}/build/classes"/>
        <property name="build.client.dir" value="${basedir}/build/client"/>
        <property name="dist.dir" value="dist"/>
        <property name="classpath" 
value="${lib.dir}/jboss-j2ee.jar;${lib.dir}/jta-spec1_0_1.jar" />
        <property name="packages" value="test"/>
        <taskdef name="ejbdoclet" classname="ejbdoclet.EJBDocletTask"
                 classpath="${basedir}/lib/ejbdoclet.jar" />
  <!--      <property name="build.compiler" value="jikes"/>-->
     <target name="prepare" depends="init">
        <mkdir dir="${build.dir}"/>
    <!-- =================================================================== -->
    <!-- Creates the Bean Classes with EJBDoclet                             -->
    <!-- =================================================================== -->
     <target name="buildbeans" depends="prepare">
        <mkdir dir="${src.resources}/test"/>
        <mkdir dir="${src.resources}/test/META-INF"/>
        <!-- Call EJBDoclet -->
        <ejbdoclet sourcepath="${src.dir}"
          <deploymentdescriptor xmlencoding="${encoding}"/>
          <jboss xmlencoding="${encoding}"
        <!-- copy the generated descriptor files in the resources directory -->
        <copy file="${src.dir}/ejb-jar.xml" todir="${src.resources}/test/META-INF" />
        <copy file="${src.dir}/jboss.xml" todir="${src.resources}/test/META-INF" />
        <copy file="${src.dir}/jaws.xml" todir="${src.resources}/test/META-INF" />
           <fileset dir="${src.dir}" includes="*.xml"/>
    <!-- =================================================================== -->
    <!-- Compiles the source code                                            -->
    <!-- =================================================================== -->
     <target name="compile" depends="prepare">
      <mkdir dir="${build.classes.dir}"/>
      <javac srcdir="${src.dir}"
    <!-- =================================================================== -->
    <!-- Creates the jar archives                                            -->
    <!-- =================================================================== -->
    <target name="jar" depends="compile">
      <mkdir dir="${build.client.dir}"/>
      <mkdir dir="${build.lib.dir}"/>
      <mkdir dir="${build.deploy.dir}"/>
      <!-- Create Bean jar -->
      <copy todir="${build.classes.dir}">
         <fileset dir="${src.resources}/test" includes="**/*.xml"/>
      <jar jarfile="${build.deploy.dir}/test.jar"
         <fileset dir="${build.classes.dir}/META-INF" />
    <!-- =================================================================== -->
    <!-- Verify Beans                                                        -->
    <!-- =================================================================== -->
    <target name="verify" depends="jar">
      <java classname="org.jboss.verifier.Main" fork="true" failonerror="true">
        <classpath path="${classpath}"/>
        <arg value="${build.deploy.dir}/test.jar"/>
    <!-- =================================================================== -->
    <!-- Creates the binary structure                                        -->
    <!-- =================================================================== -->
     <target name="main" depends="verify">
       <mkdir dir="${dist.dir}"/>
       <mkdir dir="${dist.dir}/bin"/>
       <mkdir dir="${dist.dir}/lib"/>
       <mkdir dir="${dist.dir}/deploy"/>
       <mkdir dir="${dist.dir}/client"/>
       <mkdir dir="${dist.dir}/conf"/>
       <mkdir dir="${dist.dir}/images"/>
       <copy todir="${dist.dir}/client">
          <fileset dir="${build.client.dir}"/>
       <copy todir="${dist.dir}/lib">
          <fileset dir="${build.lib.dir}"/>
       <copy todir="${dist.dir}/deploy">
          <fileset dir="${build.deploy.dir}"/>
       <copy todir="${dist.dir}/lib">
          <fileset dir="${src.resources}/test" includes="*.properties"/>
       <copy todir="${dist.dir}/conf">
          <fileset dir="${etc.dir}/conf"/>
       <copy file="${src.lib}/connector.jar" todir="${dist.dir}/client" />
       <copy file="${src.lib}/deploy.jar" todir="${dist.dir}/client" />
       <copy file="${src.lib}/jboss-j2ee.jar" todir="${dist.dir}/client" />
       <copy file="${src.lib}/jboss-client.jar" todir="${dist.dir}/client" />
       <copy file="${src.lib}/jbosssx-client.jar" todir="${dist.dir}/client" />
       <copy file="${src.lib}/jbossmq-client.jar" todir="${dist.dir}/client" />
       <copy file="${src.lib}/jndi.jar" todir="${dist.dir}/client" />
       <copy file="${src.lib}/jnp-client.jar" todir="${dist.dir}/client" />
       <copy file="${src.lib}/jta-spec1_0_1.jar" todir="${dist.dir}/client" />
       <copy file="${src.lib}/stop.jar" todir="${dist.dir}/client" />
       <copy file="${src.lib}/jaas.jar" todir="${dist.dir}/client" />
       <copy file="${src.lib}/auth.conf" todir="${dist.dir}/client" />
       <copy file="${src.lib}/jlfgr-1_0.jar" todir="${dist.dir}/client" />
       <copy file="${etc.dir}/conf/" todir="${dist.dir}/client" />
    <!-- =================================================================== -->
    <!-- Cleans up generated stuff                                           -->
    <!-- =================================================================== -->
    <target name="clean" depends="init">
      <delete dir="${build.dir}"/>
      <delete dir="${dist.dir}"/>

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