
i fiddled around with 2.4 for the past few days (updated daily from
cvs) and i have been experiencing some hiccups with the deployer (the
default one from jboss.jcml).

sometimes (most noticeably when starting the server from scratch w/
some files in the deploy/ directory) the deployer does not pick up my
.jar files. it simply ignores them. sometimes it helps if i just copy
them into deploy/ again (from somewhere else), sometimes i have to
delete everything in deploy/ and copy into it again and sometimes even
this won't work and the only solution is to shutdown jboss, clear the
deploy/ directory, start it up and copy the .jar's into deploy/ yet

has anybody experienced the same behaviour? i haven't experienced this
with 2.2.x ever. btw, this is not a reproducible error. sometimes the
files deploy just fine.

best regards,

p.s.: running rh linux 6.2 w/ jdk 1.3.1. will test this w/ win2k later

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