User: schaefera
  Date: 01/08/01 15:56:25

  Added:       jbossmgt architecture.jsp
  Added Project JBossMGT as well as the current JavaDoc to the JSR-77
  I also changed the strange paths to the pictures in the head.jsp, slogan.jsp
  and navigation.jsp therefore they will work also in subdirectories (from
  ../pictures TO /pictures).
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1                  newsite/jbossmgt/architecture.jsp
  Index: architecture.jsp
  <jsp:include page="../head.jsp" flush="true" />
  <jsp:include page="../slogan.jsp" flush="true" >
     <jsp:param name="SLOGAN" value="JBossMGT: Actual Architecture"/>
    <!-- CONTENT -->
     <p class="head">JBoss Management Project: Architecture</p>
     <p class="text">
        The JBossMGT implementation must support the flexibility of JBoss but
        still make JBoss manageable and JSR-77 compliant. In addition it shall
        give the future developers guidelines how to add the mangement support.
     <p class="head">Purpose of this document</p>
     <p class="text">
        This document should reflect the actual stand of the JSR-77 implementation
        and support all the developers how to use JSR-77 and the JBoss specific
        implementations. When you make changes please <b>add a log entry</b> at the
        end of this document.When you disagree with parts of this document please
        send an email to the JBoss developer mailing list and we can dicuss this
        because this document should only contain what we all (or most of us) agreed
     <p class="head">Basic Architecture</p>
     <p class="text">
        These are the basic ideas of the architecture for the JSR-77 implementation
              A dedicated server host the management server knowing where the 
              servers of the management domains are.
              According to the J2EE spec. and the JSR-77 draft an logical application
              server can be build upon a farm of physical application server instances
              running in multiple JVMs and computers. In JSR-77 the top most element
              is the management domain where its application server are grouped into.
              This management domain is loosly defined through all the application
              deployed within this management domain or just how the administrator
              likes to group. To implement this we need to have a dedicated server to
              gather the information, handle the events and administer the servers.
              Most like this will be a stripped down JBoss server just running the
              management server (like IBM WebSphere does now). The rational behind the
              dedicated server is that any other solution would have a problem when
              the server is going down.
              Each JSR-77 "Managed Object" is an JMX MBean. This MBean is either an 
              MBean of an existing Module or Wrapper (JDBC Datasource) or a logical 
              dealing with more than one existing Module/Wrapper or when we have more 
              one logical MBean per Module/Wrapper.
              Whenever possible we leverage existing modules/MBeans but when major 
              are necessary the modules/MBeans creates the logical MBeans.
              All JSR-77 MBeans belongs either to the domain "Management" or contains 
              property "type=management" (or something like this). This allows the 
              server to look up the appropriate JSR-77 MBeans.
              All JSR-77 MBeans implements the appropriate JSR-77 interface(s).
              For all JSR-77 MBeans implementing the Statistics Provider the 
              Module delivers the statistics to avoid too much of a performance hit. 
On the
              other side the JSR-77 MBean executes the requested operations on the 
              to perform administration tasks.
     <p class="head">To Do List</p>
     <p class="text">
        This list contains all the known issues to be performed in order or their 
        Please adjust when done.
              Get an up to date version of JSR-77 interfaces and classes
              Create the JSR-77 MBeans implementing the appropriate operations.
              Creating the management server which is added to the JBoss server as 
              configuration "/conf/management" with the stripped down configuration 
and the
              necessary libs and MBeans.
              Adding some sort of security to the JMX RMI-Connector to avoid a 
security issue
              because an RMI-Connector is necessary for the management server and all 
              JBoss instance in the management domain.
              Creating the required MEJB (by JSR-77) running as EJB on the management 
              allowing the management client to manage the management domain, its 
              and servers.
     <p class="text">
     <p class="text">
     <p class="text">
     <p class="text">
     <p class="text">
     <p class="text">
     <jsp:include page="../navigation.jsp" flush="true" /> 

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