on 1-08-16 09.58, Peter Antman at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> my dream is a XML based routing messaging infrastructure build
> around or into JBoss and JBossMQ.

I been thinking of implementing a module that is enabling the managment of a
distributed colocated execution area, in effect a "routing infrastructure",
the module has pluggable services, the services has plugable (live swap code
fragments) algorithms, these plugable algorithms is managed by the service
provider, so the service is highly intrument'able ...

On top or inside of that module, one could build a service that for ex. is
using "asyncrounous (XML) messaging" for it's task's. Services ex.
- a ping service that attempts to messure and graph network latency
- a JSR-77 auto probe bus - collecting b2b statistics
- ?

if I did not misinterpreted the need's, former mIT is welcome to sponsor,
this experimental module, that scales uniform to the amount of users and
services attached.

Meanwhile I will 'stub' the ping service that attempts to messure and graph
network latency inbetween JBoss instances ...


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