On Wed, 22 Aug 2001, Hiram Chirino wrote:
> I guess this is not the best way, but it was the quickest way I could get it
> to build the standalone binary distribution right.

No worries.  I know the current release stuff for shared modules has

> What I need the build to do is:
> - go through all the modules and release thier normal jboss output.
> - Filter out some of those file (JBossMQ standalone does not need all the
> JBoss jars) to come up with a the MQ release.

I need to figure out an elegant way to allow the project control module to
pull from source modules instead of having them push, as you mentioned
before.  I am going to be switching over my corporate build systems from an
other version of BM, so I should probably beable to fix that too (and test
it and such), then update jboss.

> So, the change I did has the modules place their release output into
> ${project.config}/build which then is copied/filtered/configured to
> ${project.output} (by the mqrelease target).
> What do you think is a better solution???

It is fine for now, just note that the other release-* targets won't
function like this.


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