
I'm reorganizing the connector/pool stuff so it makes more sense.

Here's my proposed directory structure

under org/jboss/resource

--jdbccommon (classes shared between 2 jdbc wrapper rar's)
--jdbclocal (classes for jdbc non xa wrapper)
--jdbcxa (classes for jdbc xa wrapper)
--jms (soon)


-security (already there)

adapter and connectionmanager are moved from pool.

I want to make jbosscx contain everything except the adapters (which turn
into .rars and are deployed separately).  I want to make jbosscx into a
.sar containing the mbean configuration for RARDeployer and the 3

[As a possible future step I'd like to rewrite the
ConnectionManagerFactoryLoader stuff to avoid the x license, share common
code, and eliminate the distinction between ConnectionManager and
JBossConnectionManager.  Maybe even implement the JBossConnectionListener
stuff so you don't have to get each connection within a transaction.] 

In a related issue, I'd like to make the hypersonic/defaultds configuration
into a hsql-service.xml or possibly a sar including the hypersonic database

Any problems with this? Any comments?

david jencks

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