Jason Dillon wrote:
> It can simply be a serializable?

Yes. Any object is ok. An RMI stub *happens* to be one such case, and
most people seem to assume that this is what it *has* to be. Not so.

> How about resource control?
> I guess you would implement that at the stub level?  If I want a machine0 to
> allow 10 clients to use it's service0 and no more... what do you do?

Implement a semaphore in my service. Trivial. This could even be done
once as a proxy service. Hm.. cool...

> > > What about leasing?  or events?
> >
> > What about them?
> Wondering if you had anything to say about it.  Likes, dislikes, ideas,
> improvements, prodding you to drop some knowledge =)

Leasing is what makes it all work. The "fault tolerant" in Jini ==
Leasing. It's brilliant. Events are cool too, but they're not very fancy
in their design, by design, so you may want to use JMX for the
implementation if you want particular high-end features.

> > Plus, another very important question is: how does JBoss make writing
> > applications in Jini better? Looking at the Jini community, and having
> I was a bit taken by the whole rmid thing

Another misconception. You don't *need* rmid, it's just that every
freakin tutorial uses it. Argh...insanity seems to be contagious.. it
just starts and spirals us down into confusion la la land... 

> , the install the service, 

Enter SAR's.

> leave it.  Perhaps I am old fashioned but I like to start with a clean slate
> every time and remind the server what it should be running.

Me too. Never use RMID myself.

> How does activation fit into this scheme?  Does it?

Well, you can use it if you want to, but I just found it awkward to use.
If you want long lived service identities, fine, but otherwise I'd go
with plain service rediscovery.

> > talked to Jini folks on this topic recently, it is now very easy to
> > write clients and services in Jini, but it's still pretty awkward to
> > actually run the damn critters. Enter JBoss, which can provide all the
> > gory stuff (conf, lifecycle) that they need. Package the Jini services
> > as MBeans and off you go. Very very nice.
> In your opinion; What needs to be done to make this happen?  Hope and
> promise are prevalent, but there must be order to take an idea and turn it
> into a reality.

When the service deployment stuff in JBoss3 stabilizes that should be
pretty much it. MBean wrappers for core Jini services such as the LUS
and transaction service would be nice.


Rickard Öberg
Software Development Specialist
xlurc - Xpedio Linköping Ubiquitous Research Center
Author of "Mastering RMI"

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