
A couple of questions - maybe more.

Regarding Jetty's not finding various files in RH

Ultimately every component deployed onto Jetty will be
self-contained, i.e. not expect to find any filesystem
outside it's own deployment. Jetty also will act in
the same way.

At the moment, we are in a state of flux. You have
fixed Jetty's two main dependencies on external files
(it's config and webdefault files) by copying them
into a jboss config directory.

The problem is that Jetty's static config file, is
referencing a number of things as filesystem objects,
which it expects to find somewhere in a tree.

I see several choices:

1. drop this legacy stuff entirely, until it is
properly packaged.

2. merge the Jetty and JBoss distribution trees, so
that Jetty will find it's tree on every cluster, since
it is now part of the core JBoss installation tree.

3. some combination of the above.

In fact, we are already looking at 3, since we have
moved components of the Jetty tree into the JBoss

I guess I should just strip verything else out of the
config file and possiby even look at doing the
remaining configuration via JBoss' standard config
mechanism - I'll get onto it.

For the moment simply set JettyHome to point to a
valid Jetty-3.1.RC9 tree (in jetty-service.xml) and
everything should start up fine. (It has to be RC9
because of the repackaging).

however all is not well. There are some runtime

1. JSPs do not work.

In order to find the Jasper JSP Servlet, Jetty needs
access to the org.apache.jasper.jar with which it
ships. I got this working on the train this morning by
copying the jar into thirdparty/mortbay/jetty/lib
(whilst you are in there, the jaxp jar does not seem
to be needed).

2. JSPs will still not work !

Although Jetty will start up OK, when you request a
JSP it's compilation fails, because Jetty cannot
locate the classes held in javac.jar. I tried putting
this in jetty/lib, although this is really the wrong
place for it since it should be a shared resource. The
compile started, but javac could not see the Jasper or
javax.servlet.jar classes, although Jetty was able to
find them at startup.

I don't know enough about how JBoss' ClassLoader
system works to guess at what is happening, but this
same Jetty release works perfectly in JBoss-2.4, so
something very different is happening in RH.

3. Aside from JSPs not working, a SOAP service that
deploys fine on 2.4 is failing to load a class stored
in war/WEB-INF/lib/activation.jar, because it has
already been loaded. I was looking at this until I was
drawn away by the repackaging issues.

I shall sort out the config issues tonight - although
I would also like to get a 2.4.1 release out.

If you can tell me anything about how ClassLoaders are
structured within RH, this would be most useful in
trying to figure out what is going on with Jasper and
SOAP. Or perhaps I should address this one to Marc?

Talk to you later,


 --- Jason Dillon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Jetty
is still not really that happy, it is
> complaining about missing files
> and such...
> Also, I don't know if this is related to the update
> of the jetty support
> files, but JBoss hands when ^c on the console now...
> only a kill -9 will end
> it.
> =(
> --jason
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