> 1. Are virtual hosts an EAR or WAR level thang ? e.g. do they have any
> relevance to EJBs ?
Yes it does if you expose EJBs through the virtual host interface. On the
hand, you may only want HTTP exposed as most security geeks have a hang
up about only allowing incoming HTTP through the firewall. Other resources
may need to be exposed as well: JNDI, JMS, JavaMail, etc.

> 2. Is there any support for it in standard J2EE descriptors ?
Not that I have seen.

> 3. If not, should it be configured in e.g. a proprietary descriptor, or
> achieved in some other way (like multiple deployers) ?
> I like the multiple deployer solution presented, however I see a couple
> of problems.
> If this is a WAR level abstraction, then you could argue that changes to
> accomodate it should only impact on the web-container.
> What happens if you want to say e.g. app1 runs on host1,2,3 and app2
> runs on host2,3,4 ? You could do it by deploying multiple copies of the
> apps, but I am sure i recall being shown a piece of configuration in
> which a list of hosts was configured for a single app....
> Perhaps a single deployer could support a group of virtual hosts ? - or
> is this just multiple deployers watching a single directory (No, because
> you may want to talk to a single deployer via e.g. JMX)_..
> etc...
I see this as more of a MBean(deployer) configuration rather than an
configuration because in general there are a number of administrative issues
associated with the interface: routing, firewalls, encryption...
So the deployer is configured based on the virtual host accessibility.

> Anyone interested ?

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