> Hello,


> There are a few changes in log4j 1.2 that require your attention.

Any clues to when 1.2 will be released?

> I also strongly recommend against sub-classing Logger (or Category) to
> introduce new printing methods, you can use the general purpose log method
> instead. For example,
> for some category-subclass object x instead of writing
>   x.trace("hello")
> you can write
>   x.log(SomePrioritySubclass.TRACE, "hello");

Why?  The first is consistent with the other logging methods and it is
terse (easy on the eyes and fingers).

> If I am not mistaken, JBoss also uses deprecated and now removed methods
> such as getOptions/setOptions in its own appenders. There is no need for
> this as log4j uses introspection to configure its appenders and layouts.

I don't know anything about these, but we should fix that.

> Please let me know if you have any questions or comments. Regards, Ceki

Thanks for the update.  Do you know if the xml config bits support all of
the features that the property based config does?


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