then you are on top of it David?

go ahead kid!


|-----Original Message-----
|[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of David
|Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2001 11:13 AM
|To: jboss-dev
|Subject: Fwd: Re: [JBoss-dev] JMX service architecture: next gen++
|Grr, can someone set the reply to back to the list?  I sent this originally
|just to Rickard.  I'm reposting because of the comments about mbean config:
|lots of people suggested the iterator by now.
|On 2001.10.02 10:09:01 -0400 David Jencks wrote:
|I'm not sure if this is the same as what you guys are suggesting:
|The interceptor mbeans don't need to know who they are connected to in the
|invocation chain.
|The top of the stack (connector?) does - it has an (ordered) list of the
|interceptors it uses.
|A MI coming in gets an iterator on that list from the top of the stack
|When an interceptor is done is asks the iterator in the MI where to go
|A slightly more concrete implementation of this has the list at the top be
|a linked list, and the "iterator" in the MI be a pointer into this linked
|So... in terms of configuration we have:
|each interceptor configured separately as mbean
|Each interceptor stack configured as an mbean with a list of the
|interceptor mbeans it uses.
|If we do this with xml configuration, I think we now have 3 kinds of mbean
|plain (like we have now)
|mbean reference/dependency (replaces depends)
|list (for interceptor stacks at least)
|david jencks
|On 2001.10.02 04:00:19 -0400 Rickard Öberg wrote:
|> marc fleury wrote:
|> > We would create the interceptors independently of each other.  And then
|> > "creating a stack" is nothing more than instructing incoming gates
|> (.net,
|> > rmi, whatever) that the messages requesting "EJB-style" fielding should
|> go
|> > through this stack of ObjectName interceptors.  standardjboss.xml needs
|> to
|> > map one on one there.
|> Well, the only thing the incoming gates would have to know is to
|> immediately delegate to the stack configuration MBean. After that it can
|> take care of the stack config.
|> *But this will only work if the interceptor/config interleaving is done
|> as outlined in previous post*. Otherwise it will be an MBean explosion...
|> > The stack of state machines, the movie seen by the MI, is a random
|> access
|> > stack from the point of view of the admin.
|> >
|> > Then updating the flow means talking to that "route mapper" at the
|> gates.
|> Which, as discussed, need to be hand-holding the MI as it travels along
|> the stack.
|> /R
|> --
|> Rickard Öberg
|> Software Development Specialist
|> xlurc - Xpedio Linköping Ubiquitous Research Center
|> Author of "Mastering RMI"
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